The best pre-workout snacks that will keep you in good shape.

Training is good for the mind, body and spirit. But nothing spoils a workout more than a lack of energy to get through it. Stress and lack of sleep can complicate a workout, but the same can be said about skipping a pre-workout snack.Deciding what to eat before a workout can sometimes seem like a daunting task. Should I drink a cocktail before training? Is there a protein bar? Despite the convenience, you do not need to eat or drink a specially designed drink or a bar. A good pre-workout snack should include nutritious foods that you like to eat. It is also important to focus on a balanced diet throughout the day to increase glycogen stores and protein intake.

Read on to find out why you might need to eat before training, what your snack should include, as well as some delicious pre-workout snack ideas.

Why you need to eat before training

Food is fuel for your body. Like a car, you can't drive if you don't have fuel. Whether you're going for a run or lifting weights, eating gives you the strength to do your exercises.

Without enough fuel, your body cannot meet the demands of your workout, which affects your overall performance and reduces any potential benefits. If you don't eat before a workout, you may feel weaker, so you won't be able to run as fast or lift as much as usual. If you want to improve endurance or strength, eating right before training will help you achieve your goals.

Fasting before a workout means you have less energy (glucose) to start with. Exercising in this state can use up your glucose reserves too quickly, which will lead to a drop in blood sugar levels, which can cause dizziness.

Eating before a workout helps you focus and promotes recovery after a workout. Lack of energy, weak muscles and poor training due to the fact that you missed a pre-workout snack can increase the risk of injury.

The benefits of snacking before training

Energy Boost
Preventing early muscle fatigue
Improved performance
The best result after training
Lower risk of injury
The blood glucose level is stable
Faster recovery

Who needs a snack before training

While it's generally helpful to focus on a balanced diet throughout the day to maintain overall energy, a pre-workout snack isn't necessary for everyone.

People who train for less than 60 minutes may not need snacks, unless they are hungry or have not fully eaten 3-4 hours before training.
People who exercise for more than 60-90 minutes will most likely need a snack; however, the composition of this snack will vary depending on endurance training and strength training.
For endurance training; carbohydrates are more important than proteins.
For weight training: a combination of carbohydrates and proteins is key.

The average trainee is likely to get enough energy from their previous meal or snack to fuel their workout. However, there are certain groups of people, such as endurance athletes, who may want to include a certain snack before training in their daily routine.

What should Your pre-workout snack include

What you include in your snack depends on when you exercise. However, since carbohydrates are the main source of fuel for your body, this nutrient is a must in any pre-workout snack. An adequate amount of carbohydrates is especially important for physical exercises that require endurance, such as running, swimming or playing basketball.

A pre-workout snack containing carbohydrates with protein can improve muscle strength and body composition. This is true for both endurance training and strength training. Eating carbohydrates and proteins before training improves performance and reduces muscle damage.

However, the exact components of your pre-workout snack really depend on the time between the snack and the workout.

The choice of snacks depending on the time

30-60 minutes before training. If a little time passes between a snack and a workout, eat a snack with a high carbohydrate content, moderate protein content and low fat content. If you exercise first thing in the morning, try to keep the size of your snack small.
2-3 hours before training: If you exercise at the end of the day, for example, after lunch, eat a snack with a high carbohydrate content, high protein content and low fat content.

When it comes to pre-workout snacks, you may have to experiment to find the foods, nutrients, and meal times that are best for your body. There is no one product or group of products that are better suited for a pre-workout snack than others.

Pre-Workout Snack Ideas

A good pre-workout snack should include foods that you like to eat. Despite the convenience, you don't need a pre-workout supplement to get the benefits of pre-workout meals.

Banana: If you don't have much time and you need to recharge a little before starting classes, a banana will be a good choice. Rich in carbohydrates and potassium, it provides the body with energy and electrolytes. Add a handful of nuts or a spoonful of peanut paste to get some protein and fat.
A muesli bar containing at least 7 grams of protein: A muesli bar is a portable snack with a high carbohydrate content. To get the protein you need for your workout, look for bars containing at least 7 grams of protein per serving.
Pear and Cheese: Pears and cheese are great as a pre-workout snack, providing you with a healthy source of carbohydrates and protein. Use low-fat cheese containing at least 7 grams of protein per serving
Greek Yogurt and muesli: Greek yogurt with muesli is a delicious pre—workout snack. In addition, it is rich in protein for building muscle mass and easily digestible carbohydrates.
Overnight oatmeal with strawberries and walnuts. Oatmeal is a great source of carbohydrates, but it can take a long time to prepare, especially when using whole hercules. With oatmeal overnight, mix all the ingredients — oats, low—fat milk, strawberries and walnuts - in an airtight container and leave the oats to soften in the refrigerator overnight.

Eating before a workout provides many benefits, but don't forget to drink as well. Drink a glass of water during a snack and drink water whenever you feel thirsty so that you have enough liquid for physical activity.


Training is good for your body, but you can do yourself a disservice if you train on an empty stomach. A snack before a workout maintains energy levels, relieves hunger and makes your workout much better. Eating before a workout can help you train harder or longer so you can achieve your goals.

Make sure your snacks contain carbohydrates and protein to get the maximum benefit. And let your snacks be simple so that they easily fit into your regular daily routine.
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