Why is it so important to do calisthenics (gymnastics).

Does "Kalistenika" make you think about military basic training or about people in retro tracksuits doing push-ups in physical education classes? For some reason, in the modern era of sports trends, the word "kalistenika" has been left behind for several decades.

But in fact, gymnastics exercises are an important part of everyone's fitness program, and, in fact, you probably already do them on a regular basis. Want more details? This article is your guide to gymnastics.Gymnastics, explanation

At the most basic level, calisthenics is a workout with weights with your own weight. It is designed to improve strength, flexibility, agility, balance, coordination and aerobic fitness — almost all the skills you need to be a healthy person.

This is the art of using your own body weight to maximize strength and athletic abilities. The main goal of rhythmic gymnastics training should be to master control over lifting and moving the body in space. If this sounds like the meaning of many exercises that you are already doing, you are doing everything right. Squats, push—ups, lunges, twists, push-ups on the uneven bars, long jumps, high jumps, handstands - yes, it's all gymnastics.

And, considering that this is the simplest form of exercise (no complicated equipment is required), it has been around for a very long time.

Nevertheless, there is a new shade of rhythmic gymnastics adorning the modern era: gymnastics (sometimes called workout or street gymnastics) is a rapidly developing international sport that includes elements of dance, acrobatics and gymnastics. But you don't need to look for an excuse to include gymnastics in your routine: that's why gymnastics or weight training is worth taking a break from dumbbells.
Benefits of gymnastics training

Does not require equipment

The beauty of rhythmic gymnastics is that you can do it anywhere and anytime — all you need is your body. This is one of the few ways to build mass and strength without using weights.

Creates a serious force

You may think, "How if they don't lift barbells or dumbbells there?" But you can achieve a lot using only your own body weight. Look at it this way: if you weigh 75 kg, pull-ups with your own weight mean that you are effectively lifting about the same 75 kg.

You will reach a certain maximum point of muscle growth with the help of gymnastics, because muscle mass is created due to progressive resistance, and your own body will always provide a certain resistance. But this is where creativity comes into play: for example, try using raised surfaces to change the angle of exercise by increasing the percentage of body weight you lift. Or use vertical surfaces (such as walls and pillars) to challenge your body in a new way and engage your muscles. Move faster, slower, longer, upside down, or increase your range of motion to continue to provoke physical and mental adaptation.

Helps you move better in real life

Since rhythmic gymnastics is the movement of your body in space, it is the best kind of training of functional movements. Functional training means training organized in such a way that it directly improves your performance of everyday life tasks or specific physical requirements in your work or sports.

Helps you maintain the right shape

Using free weights or exercise machines, you can continue to increase your strength and muscle mass, however, people often end up using too much resistance on the simulator or too heavy weights — and this leads to compensation, that is, you do not perform the exercise correctly using the right muscles. Calisthenics gives you the necessary solid strength base if you include external resistance in your workouts. If you can't lift your body weight, you definitely shouldn't try to lift more on the simulator.

Engaging every muscle

Rhythmic gymnastics involves using the whole body, rather than focusing on some muscles compared to others. Here we mean the strength of each muscle down to the fingertips.

Mild effect on joints and connective tissue

Training with weights — if performed incorrectly with too heavy weights, too frequent or simply incorrect — can create additional stress on soft tissue structures. Gymnastics develops strength only in proportion to your muscular system with authentic and natural movements.

Improves brain-body communication

Rhythmic gymnastics develops fine motor skills that require intense work of the brain and body. Coordination, speed, strength, acceleration, strength, speed and agility are all characteristics demonstrated by a body trained in the art of gymnastics.
Examples of gymnastic exercises

The options are endless, but if you are just starting out, it is very important to master these gymnastics movements before trying to progress.

Rhythmic gymnastics exercises for beginners:

Push-ups: work the chest, triceps and shoulders, strengthening the body.
Plank: Develops stability and strength in everything below the chest and above the buttocks.
Lunge: Develops strength and mobility of the lower body.
Squats: A basic movement that involves the quadriceps, core muscles, hamstrings and buttocks.

Advanced gymnastic exercises:

Plank sitting in the L position: This little-known movement is taken from gymnastics and is great for developing shoulder stability and upper body strength and core.
Pull-ups: the back and biceps work, strengthening the body.
Burpee: Getting down and up from the ground is good for practice, and also works wonders with your heart.
One-leg Squats: Also called pistol squats, this exercise will challenge your balance, mobility and leg strength.
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