
Нужно ли делать кардио перед силовой тренировкой.

Что вы должны сделать в первую очередь, сердечно-сосудистые упражнения или силовые? Или порядок упражнений вообще не имеет значение? Ответ действительно зависит от того, чего вы пытаетесь достичь.

Порядок упражнений может иметь значение, если вы пытаетесь достичь определенной цели, такой как наращивание силы, увеличение выносливости или улучшение спортивных навыков, или если вы уже достигли чрезвычайно высокого уровня физической подготовки. Но для спортсмена-любителя все проще – вам больше подойдет тот порядок, который вы сами хотите.

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What will happen if you perform cardio on an empty stomach.

What is fasting cardio?

Fasting cardio is when you exercise on an empty stomach in a state of fasting, usually in the morning before the first meal. The theory is that exercising on an empty stomach or after a long period of fasting can lead to greater fat loss. Although there are professionals who adhere to this theory, it is still the subject of heated debate in the fitness world.

The effectiveness of the theory of fasting cardio remains controversial, and, ultimately, the decision on whether to exercise on an empty stomach or not is yours. If you decide to do cardio training on an empty stomach, it has drawbacks that you should be aware of.
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Distribution of meal time during cardio training.

Regardless of the amount of cardio you do, nutrition plays a key role not only in how you work, but also in how you feel. Exercising without enough food is like "burning a candle" at both ends — it's ineffective.

Instead of spinning wheels and going nowhere, take a few minutes to plan your eating and drinking plan before and after your workout so you can get the most out of your workouts. Here's what you need to know about meal times and cardio workouts.
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Interval cardio training for beginners.

If you're a beginner, you must have heard of interval training - a method of training in which you step out of your comfort zone for a certain period of time and then rest. The reason why interval training is so popular is that working out at higher levels of intensity helps you develop endurance faster and helps you burn more calories, which is great for losing weight.
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everything you need to know about cardio training

the word "cardio" is probably one of the first words you hear when you first start an exercise program. You know that cardio is an important component of any workout, whether you want to lose weight, improve your fitness, or just get healthier.
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