Alex  Hammer

Glucosamine, Chondroitin, Collagen

Glucosamine, Chondroitin, Collagen-the names of these substances are known to almost every athlete and the reason for this is the increased load on the joints that athletes receive as a result of intensive training.If you want to speed up the recovery and regeneration processes, you need to take collagen-containing medications. Collagen...
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  15857 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Vitamins. As they are destroyed.

You can enjoy a hundred times the generous vitamin composition of a product and anticipate the beneficial effect of its consumption of various dishes. It is important not to forget that vitamins are not so permanent - they are subject to destruction. Some vitamins are destroyed by temperature, others by sunlight,...
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А как насчет доп. витаминов из аптеки? Есть мнение, что они вообще бесполезны.
Friday, 07 October 2016 21:39
Alex Hammer
Это не совсем так. Это мнение, и не самое правильное. Витамины из аптеки не бесполезны, более того, они могут быть опасны. Если че... Read More
Sunday, 09 October 2016 12:06
  26001 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Women and sports nutrition

Sports supplements for women provide additional benefits in terms of fat burning and lean muscle mass.The ideal figure can only be created by a proper, heavy training regime, which also ensures the production of a large number of endorphins in the body. All calculations show that 80% of success depends on...
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  3247 Hits
Alex  Hammer

How to enhance the effect of the pump

Glutamine /LeucineGlutamine consumed when strength training. Its deficiency leads to a drop in the intensity of the training. But the main thing is. The fact that the amino acid leucine is a catalyst for protein synthesis in the muscles. Active training reduces its levels. Glutamine in turn contributes to the preservation...
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  3216 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Creatine. How to make the.

I am often asked about creatine and how to take it. Perhaps, it is worth writing a couple of lines about the undeservedly ignored Supplement.Undeservedly - because it works to a certain extent.Ignore-read the article and make a conclusion whether you need it or not.Creatine is a molecule in the energy...
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  4495 Hits
Alex  Hammer

The importance of amino acids

To achieve results in bodybuilding, there is no way to do without proper sports nutrition. A perfectly planned training session, 100% in the gym, is only 30% successful. If you want results, eat right. The basis of nutrition in bodybuilding is protein. But no less important for rapid muscle growth and...
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  3772 Hits
Alex  Hammer

The toxins of fatigue and their neutralization in the body

Why does a person get tired during training? Why do you sometimes feel sluggish, sluggish, or unwilling to exercise at the end of your workout? All this occurs mainly as a result of accumulation of fatigue toxins in the blood."Fatigue toxins" is a collective term. In medicine, "fatigue toxins" refer to...
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  3144 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Testosterone boosters

This expert guide to testosterone boosters will teach you how to navigate the products on the market to increase your testosterone levels. Learn about available medications and recommended dosages for optimal results.What are testosterone boosters?Testosterone boosters are supplements used to stimulate muscle growth, increase strength and libido, and correct sex hormone...
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  4826 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Build and save your muscles with BCAA

Amino acids branched chain BCAAs support recovery. BCAA supplements are great for those athletes that trains in the gym almost every day and want to maintain muscle mass, preventing catabolism.Protein from food provides the body with the building blocks necessary to repair and create new muscle after a workout. These proteins...
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  2711 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Diet pills

Currently, many people, especially women, are concerned about their excessive weight and dream to get rid of unnecessary kilograms. Not everyone agrees on a long and grueling fitness or diet, many women dream about some "magic pill", upon receipt of which the weight leave himself without any effort. Unfortunately, to date,...
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  2482 Hits
Alex  Hammer


Each of us has repeatedly faced the desire to overcome morning drowsiness or evening slumber. In order to cheer up, we are already habitually reaching for a glass of strong tea or a Cup of coffee. The effect is achieved due to the substance contained in these drinks-caffeine. So what is...
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  2869 Hits
Alex  Hammer


L-carnitine - a non-acid, produced in the liver from the amino acids lysine and methionine. It is needed for energy production and fat metabolism. It is also found in meat and dairy products. Many brands of supplements sold in the form of acetyl-L-carnitine, which is a more absorbable form of L-carnitine.ActionThe...
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  3029 Hits


Omega-3 is a separate group of unsaturated fatty acids not produced by the human body. In the case of a deficiency of these acids, a person may experience certain consequences, such as physiological and biochemical disorders. The effectiveness of fatty acids omega-3 Polyunsaturated fatty acids have a number of positive effects,...
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Спасибо! Круто.
Sunday, 01 March 2015 21:10
  3116 Hits