
Pumping and burning of muscles during training.

"Pumping" and "burning" (or "burning" muscles) is a popular jargon between people who often visit the gym and bodybuilders. These phenomena occur during training and affect how the muscles feel. When you train hard, especially when training "to the hilt", you may notice the following sensations:

* Burning sensation – a burning sensation in the muscles during training

* Pumping – swelling or swelling of the muscles during or after training
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  1091 Hits
Alex  Hammer


The name "pump" (pumping with pump) already says a lot about the method. We pumped muscles, as a pump, by a constant, monotonous repetition of the same exercises with light weight. Pumping muscles is, first of all, the feeling of "fullness" and "seal" the muscles, you will feel like the muscle...
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  3711 Hits
Alex  Hammer

How to enhance the effect of the pump

Glutamine /LeucineGlutamine consumed when strength training. Its deficiency leads to a drop in the intensity of the training. But the main thing is. The fact that the amino acid leucine is a catalyst for protein synthesis in the muscles. Active training reduces its levels. Glutamine in turn contributes to the preservation...
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