
The benefits of creatine for athletes

Creatine is a natural substance made up of amino acids, the building blocks of protein. Creatine is produced in the liver, kidneys, and pancreas; 95 percent of it is found in the muscles, and the rest is in the brain and heart. In addition to being naturally occurring, small amounts of creatine are also found in foods such as meat and seafood. Synthetic versions are also sold as additives.
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  1242 Hits

Popular in the bodybuilding amino acids

Consumed by the body the protein is not absorbed directly by muscle cells for the restoration work. For synthesis of protein received by the protein disintegrates into constituent amino acids, they penetrate muscle cells and are used for immediate needs. Just count 2 ten amino acids to a greater or lesser extent affect the regenerative processes in the body. But which ones play a key role for the athlete?
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  1807 Hits

The results of creatine supplementation in bodybuilding

Few ingredients sports nutritional Supplements along with a well-known protein drinks can boast undeniable evidence base confirming the effectiveness. From the first publications in scientific and sports journals in the early 1990s, creatine gets a positive assessment of independent studies and athletes worldwide. What is he unique?
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  1580 Hits

What nutrients needed by people involved in sports?

The market associated with bodybuilding and sports in General, has a wide range of dietary supplements and sports nutrition. Each manufacturer offers products for muscle pumping and muscle support, fat burners and vitamins. They can also be used to treat people and even to strengthen hair follicles – it all depends on the purpose and composition of the product.
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  1397 Hits

Amino acid complexes to build your muscles

Amino acids – a kind of building blocks of muscles! Even a moderate deficiency of amino acids can prevent muscle growth.
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  1326 Hits

Liquid fat burner

L-carnitine – a substance that is very popular in the sports environment. The purpose of L-carnitine – improving the permeability of cell membranes to free fatty acids. This maintains a continuous process of fat burning.
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  1362 Hits


BCAA (branch chained amino acids): isoleucine, leucine and valine amino acids, which are the basis for the structural proteins of muscles. Their uniqueness is that they are efficient both on the structural and energetic level. This combination will help to achieve success in the solution of completely different tasks:
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  1357 Hits

Pre-workout Supplement: appointment, composition and characteristics of choice

Any bodybuilder planning your workouts so that they were effective to the maximum. But constantly endure the tremendous physical load is difficult, in the end, any athlete will get tired. To ensure body strength and endurance athletes drink special pre-workout Supplement.
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  1373 Hits

GUARANA - natural energy drink in sports nutrition

If you prefer natural products, energy drink "Guarana" created for you. Produced using natural extract, the medium supplemented with a complex of vitamins and magnesium.
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  1425 Hits

Tyrosine - energy

If you feel that your strength is coming to an end, the tyrosine will help you to make up for energy losses. This amino acid helps our body to produce stress hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline, stimulating not only power surge, but also accelerate the metabolism and burning process fatty deposits. That's why tyrosine is contained in different supplements for fat burning.
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  1866 Hits

Glutamine – sports nutrition

Glutamine is one of twenty conditionally essential amino acids. It is one of the substances that make up our body, namely blood and muscle. Therefore, the amount of glutamine in our food directly depends on the growth of muscle mass. If you decide to spend time sport, you need to remember that in our daily diet is not always necessary for effective training, the content of glutamine. Therefore, for people who lead an active lifestyle, you need to take care about additional sources of this amino acid. As a rule, athletes buy glutamine in a special health food store.
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  1524 Hits

How to strengthen ligaments and joints

For injuries in athletes strength sports, ligaments and joints take pride of place No. 1. Heavy exercise depletes the body's tissue, muscle, connective and bone. But if the athletes muscles recover after each workout, take protein and amino acids, then the ligaments and joints forget. Therefore it is necessary to find therapeutic and prophylactic drugs, supporting connective tissue of the body.
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  1871 Hits

Method of production of BCAA and how to take

The importance of taking additional amino acids are aware of all athletes – the fastest way to deliver necessary elements to the muscle cells there. Each manufacturer offers several sportpit amino acid supplements, therefore, to understand the jumble of multi-colored cans and names is not easy. Will help you to find the best amino acids BCAAs and explain the correct use.
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  1479 Hits

When the effective testosterone boosters

Athletes increase the concentration of testosterone in the body, increase athletic performance. Do it in different ways, the most available test booster.
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  1534 Hits

Supplements to increase endurance

Let's start with a definition. "Endurance is the ability to continue long-term work with the necessary intensity, without reducing the efficiency of operations and supporting increased resistance to fatigue" (H. Sozaski 1999). Power is one of the most important motor functions of humans. It can be divided into many types depending on the sport, endurance is a very important element in the sport. In this article we'll focus on what supplements will help to support it.
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  1325 Hits

Rules of creatine supplementation is an effective means for athletes!

Creatine is produced not only in capsule form but also as powder. Often athletes and people who are seriously engaged in the gym, I prefer to make a powdered version of the tool. This is due to the fact that it is not only cheap, but very effective. The powdered drug has only one drawback – the product should be dissolved in water, which is not always convenient. But capsules are most effective, but will cost a bit more.
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  1301 Hits

Scientists suggest that vitamin D can help in cancer prevention

Often called the "sunshine vitamin" for its Association with sunlight exposure, vitamin D has long been associated with bone health. In the last decade has also been suggested that the vitamin may reduce the risks associated with cardiovascular disease, depression and diabetes, according to the Endocrine society.

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  1228 Hits

ZMA the best natural anabolic Supplement

ZMA is a universal tool which consists of a complex of zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6. Does not apply to natural products as obtained through the synthetic way.
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  1474 Hits

Sports nutrition with fast weight loss

Only by the destruction of fatty tissue concerned with the athlete while working on “relief”? Not at all. After all, if during weight loss, he forgets about the comprehensive support of the body, the result gets more minuses than pluses.
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  1322 Hits
Alex  Hammer

Stimulants fat burning

Unfortunately, there is no magic pill that can instantly burn fat. In any case, you will have to work hard in the gym and follow a strict diet.On the other hand, the effect of an effective diet and training program can be enhanced with the right supplements. Thanks to significant advances...
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  9960 Hits