Super simple 7-minute workout.

This ultra-simple seven-minute workout consists of 10 exercises of 30 seconds each with a 10-second transition between them. It is intended for all people, can be complicated and simplified, or implemented in other training sessions.

A simple option: you can perform one whole workout to quickly cheer up, and reduce the speed and intensity of movements if you need to slowly build up your fitness.A more difficult option: continue for two or three repetitions of the workout for a more serious load. Add intensity and effort to each exercise.

Jumping rope - 30 seconds.

Start your simple 7-minute workout with 30-second jump rope jumps (or ski jumps if you don't have a jump rope).

Push-ups - 30 seconds

The next one is 30 seconds of push-ups. You can change your position to make the task easier or more difficult. If you are just starting out, you can do push-ups from the knees to ease up.

Sitting against the wall - 30 seconds

Take a 30-second sitting position against the wall, sliding down the wall (using an exercise ball if you have one) until your knees are at a 90-degree angle. The feet should be right under the knees. Then hold the position for as long as possible. If 30 seconds is too hard, lift up a little to reduce the effort. If this is too easy, try lifting one foot off the floor.

Bicycle twists - 30 seconds

Perform the bike lying down for 30 seconds and, at the same time, make torso twists to the left and right, alternating sides. The exercise works out the abs and oblique abdominal muscles.

Air squats - 30 seconds

Then do 30-second deep air squats. The goal is to lower yourself so that your hips are parallel to the ground (or even lower if your mobility allows it). Stretch your arms out in front of you, keep your back straight, and keep your buttocks back. Then go up with a jump. Start slowly to make sure you have the right execution technique. As you improve your form, you can increase the pace of your squats.

Step by step - 30 seconds

Using a step, bench, or stable chair, step up and down for 30 seconds. You can add hand weights if it's too easy, or you can increase the step size or increase the pace.

Triceps push-up - 30 seconds

Using a stable chair, bench, or other object, do as many triceps push-ups as you can in 30 seconds. Rest your hands on the back of the bench with your elbows bent at a 90-degree angle. Bend your knees 90 degrees, put them at shoulder distance and rest on the floor.

Lunge when walking - 30 seconds

Perform a walking lunge for 30 seconds. You can take a few steps forward and then return, or you can stay at the same pace and lunge and return to the starting position, alternating sides as you go.

Bar - 30 seconds

Take the position of the front bar, and hold it for 30 seconds. If it is too easy, you can take turns lifting one leg, and if it is too difficult, you can make the exercise easier by holding the position with your hands instead of your elbows.

Side bar (on each side) - 30 seconds

Complete the exercise with a 30-second side plank. Be sure to do both sides. Try to keep your body steady by placing your hips on top of each other. If maintaining proper alignment in a fully lateral plank is too difficult, lower yourself on your forearm.

This makes your workout quick when you don't have much time or space. You can also add more sets if you want a longer workout, or make it easier and turn this routine into a warm-up. Change your intensity, pace, and effort as your fitness level increases.
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