Zinc in food and its role in the human body

Zinc in food and its role in the human body
Zinc is rightfully considered the elixir of youth. It acts on our body at the cellular level, directly participating in the metabolism: this important trace element is part of all vitamins, enzymes and hormones, in fact, occupying 98% of all our cells.

The greatest amount of it can be found in the testicles, prostate and sperm in men, in white blood cells and red blood cells.
Zinc is indispensable for the normal functioning of the human body and, of course, the spirit, because "in a healthy body-a healthy spirit." The presence of this trace element in the body provides a person with normal life and good health. On the contrary, its lack can cause a number of serious problems:

reproductive disorders;
malfunctions of the immune system;
allergic reaction;
poor circulation;
slowing down the healing process;
inhibition of normal growth, puberty;
loss of taste and smell;
hair loss;
in athletes-a decrease in the results obtained;
teenagers have a tendency to alcoholism;
in pregnant women-termination of pregnancy;
premature birth;
birth of weak children with low weight.
Attention! Zinc deficiency can be caused by active physical activity, accompanied by profuse sweating, eating an excessively large amount of carbohydrates, the use of diuretics

Foods containing zinc.

According to experts, products of plant origin are not able to fully provide us with the necessary amount of zinc. Although some of them are suitable examples (see the table below). However, the main focus should be on seafood and meat. Using the data in the table, we will understand in more detail what we should choose for our daily diet.

The table of contents of zinc in food.

Product line Names percentage of zinc (1 mg) per 100 g of food consumed

Meat products
Roast veal liver 16.0
Beef stew 9.5
Boiled chicken hearts 7.3
Roast lamb liver 5.9
Boiled beef tongue 4,8
Fried lamb kidneys 3.6
Oysters 60.0
Boiled eels 12.0
Oil anchovies 3,5
Canned salmon 0.9
Nuts and dried fruits
Pine nuts 6.5
Pecan 5.3
Brazil nut 4.0
Peanut 2.8
Walnut 2.7
Almonds 2.2
Cashew 2.1
Coconut 2.0
Forest nut 1.9
Pistachio nuts 1,4
Dried apricots 0.75
Prunes 0.45
Vegetables and fruits
Kohlrabi is a 3.5
Cauliflower 0,3
Avocado 0.3
Radish 0.3
Boiled carrots 0.3
Cereals and legumes, seeds
Wheat bran 16.0
Poppy seed 8,1
Sesame seed 7.8
Pumpkin seeds 7.5
Sunflower seeds 5,6
Flax seed 5.5
Soy flour 4.9
Soy, dry beans 4.2
Dry lentils 3,8
Popcorn 3.4
Dry peas 3.3
Wheat flour (coarse) 3.1
Dry white beans 2.6
The boiled beans 1,4
Pasta 0.55
Oat flakes 0.5
Corn 0.5
Boiled white rice 0.45
Products of plant, fungal and animal origin
Dry yeast 8,0
Egg yolk 3.9
Mushroom white 1.5
Horseradish 1.4
Nettle 1.0
Green onion 0.4
Milk 0.4

Products containing the highest amount of zinc.

So, the most zinc is found in cereals and legumes (in the list of products there are 18 positions) and in nuts (10 positions). However, the record holders for the content of this useful substance in 100 g of provisions are oysters, which are considered a delicacy for a reason. Boiled eels and wheat bran are also rich in zinc. Meat products also help the body.

In the well-known dispute about which is more useful — dry or pressed yeast, the first type of fungal product can get an additional advantage, since it contains more zinc, as well as other minerals and, often found in pharmacies, it is offered to customers on a par with dietary supplements.

Experts also recommend eating more poultry, cheese, onions, potatoes, garlic, green vegetables, buckwheat, which also contain zinc. Lentils, soy, barley flour, dry cream, celery, asparagus, radish, and bread are also useful in this regard. Lemons, oranges, grapefruits, apples, figs, dates, blueberries, raspberries, and black currants are good for dessert. Having already received many praises in its honor, green tea can also attract attention by the presence of vital zinc in it.
Attention! A wonderful folk remedy for preventing zinc deficiency in the human body is an infusion of birch leaves.

The daily norm of zinc for the human body.

Children just need to consume zinc with their food every day. The daily minimum is determined by the number of years the child has reached:
-at the age of six months to 3 years - 3 mg of zinc;
-from 4 to 8 years-up to 5 mg ;
-from 9 to 13 years-8 mg.

The norms also depend on gender differences: 2 mg of zinc is sufficient for girls in the first six months of life, and 3 mg for boys. For young people and adults, too, there are nuances: girls and women 14-18 and 19-50 years old enough 9 and 12 mg of zinc, boys and men at the same age — more, 11 and 15 mg.

After fifty years, these indicators decrease for everyone: for women up to 10 mg, for men-up to 13 mg. For pregnant women who eat ,as they say, "for two", there are indicators: at the age of 18, they are recommended to take 15 mg of zinc, from 19 years-14 mg.

Nursing mothers also expend a huge amount of trace elements and need additional nutrition. Their norm-up to 18 years-15 mg, after 19-17 mg.

Attention, these factors must be taken into account!
Contraceptives significantly reduce the percentage of zinc in the body, undermining its health.
Zinc can be toxic at doses of more than 150 mg per day.
The body requires more zinc when the bowel function is impaired or when using diuretics.
Dairy products slow down the process of zinc absorption.
Caffeine and alcohol practically "drain" zinc from the body, sugar and salt also contribute to this.
Protein-rich foods, such as legumes and nuts, have an excellent effect on the successful absorption of zinc.
The same function is performed by leavening agents used in baking bread, and soy products that have undergone fermentation or fermentation (tempeh and miso).
The main signs of zinc deficiency in the body.
brittleness of nails;
hair loss;
whitish spots on the nail surface;
frequent colds;
long and painful healing of wounds and abrasions;
the deterioration of memory and attention;
pale skin;
delayed growth and development of the body.
Benefits of zinc for the body.
It stimulates the brain and mental activity.
Positively affects the action of the genetic apparatus.
It serves as a connecting thread between the stomach, intestinal mucosa, kidneys, and white blood cells. It stimulates the work of growth hormones.
It has a positive effect on bone formation.
Regulates breathing and restores blood formation.
Stimulates the healing of wounds.
Normalizes the nervous system.
Strengthens and rejuvenates the skin, hair, nails.
Helps the body produce testosterone (male sex hormone)
Increases potency, stimulates sexual activity.
Removes cholesterol from the body.
It participates in the formation of its own antioxidants.
Takes care of vision.
Increases regeneration.
Reduces the appearance of allergies.
Acts as a detoxifier (in case of alcohol poisoning, for example).
Prevents infectious diseases.
It is used to prevent fibrosis.
Neutralizes toxic effects on the body of heavy metals, reduces the content of lead in tissues.
The benefits of zinc for every person living on earth can not be overestimated, but it can be underestimated if you are not careful enough to your body. Take note of what is described in this article, and start taking new care of your nutrition. This will definitely improve the quality of your life!
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