What you need to know about keto diet?

Keto-diet - diet low carbohydrate, high fat and moderate protein level, which causes the body to burn fat for energy, which creates ketosis. It is effective for weight loss.The keto diet requires a change in your thinking. The whole basis of the keto diet is that you constantly maintain low carb levels so that your body has no choice but to burn fat for energy. This, in turn, can help you lose weight as the body turns to internal fat stores.

The basis of the keto diet

You need to regularly take carbohydrates up to 20-50 grams per day. To do this, you need to learn how to calculate your macros.

Macros are the three main food groups that you want to pay attention to-fat, carbohydrates, and protein. Carbohydrates are the only macronutrient that is not needed for survival. There are no necessary carbohydrates, which means that you can drastically reduce them while maintaining a healthy diet. Ideally, on a keto diet, you should get 60 to 75% of your calories from fat, up to 15-30% from protein, and only 5-10% from carbohydrates.

At first, tracking macros is difficult. You need to learn how to read labels to find out what is high in carbohydrates and what is suitable for your diet. You must learn to calculate net carbs. You can't just count all the carbs you eat during the day. Instead, you take into account the total number of grams of digestible carbohydrates that you eat. Then you subtract the number of grams of digested fiber that you consume. The result is your net carbs.

Choosing the right products

On the other side of the spectrum, you'll want to avoid things that contain too many carbohydrates. Macaroni, bread, and most sweets are anathemas of the keto diet. You can eat carbs for the whole day in one protein bar.

Eggs are a great option for a keto diet. Each egg contains 13 percent of the recommended daily protein intake, based on a 2,000-calorie diet, in addition to 5 grams of fat and tons of vitamins and minerals. In addition, low-fat proteins such as chicken, Turkey, and red meat are low-carb options that can help you meet your fat and protein needs throughout the day.

Do not neglect vegetables and fruits. Vegetables that grow above ground have very few carbohydrates per serving. In addition, they are full of healthy fiber, which helps reduce your daily carbohydrate intake.

It's not for everyone

While a keto diet can be a great way to lose weight, it's not for everyone. Doctors do not recommend this extremely low-carb diet to pregnant women or nursing mothers.

Although many people with type 2 diabetes become more sensitive to insulin on a ketogenic diet, especially when they lose weight. In addition, diabetics who take medications that reduce blood glucose levels by increasing insulin levels (for example, insulin, sulfonylureas, glinides) should closely monitor the level of sugar in the diet due to increased sensitivity to insulin.

The kieto diet may increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. It does not allow the body to properly use insulin, which in turn can lead to insulin resistance. This adds another caution related to the keto diet and diabetes. The goal is to get healthier, not get sick trying to lose weight.

Enjoy the results

Don't try to reduce your daily carbohydrate intake by up to 5% in one go. The most important thing that you need to know, starting with the keto-diet is to take it slowly. Do not rush to omit carbohydrates until you reach the desired macros. If done correctly, the keto lifestyle can give you the health you need.
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