Growth hormone and side effects

Growth hormone and side effects
Growth hormone is actively used in bodybuilding to build muscle volumes. Its scientific name is somatotropin. Its main action is to accelerate linear growth by increasing the long tubular bones of the limbs.

Effects and properties of growth hormone:
Anabolic effect
Anti-catabolic effect
Reduction of body fat mass
Increases the level of glucose in the blood
Stimulates the growth of bones, while strengthening them
Increases immunity
It is worth noting that most of the effects in the body are caused not by growth hormone itself, but by the insulin-like factor IGF-1, which is released under the action of this hormone. IGF-1 actively stimulates the growth of most internal organs. Thus, most of the effects of growth hormone in bodybuilding are associated with the action of IGF-1.

Over time, the production of growth hormone in the body is constantly reduced. Its level is minimal in the elderly and maximum in early childhood. In addition, the amplitude of discharge peaks is maximal in adolescence, when the body enters a phase of enhanced linear growth.

Use of growth hormone in bodybuilding

At first, growth hormone was used exclusively for medical purposes, but after a while it was also used in various sports, including bodybuilding. This was due to the fact that it had a good anabolic effect, and also helped to reduce the fat layer in the body.

In 1989, the use of growth hormone in sports was banned, but since then its sales have only increased. In bodybuilding, somatotropin is used to build huge muscle mass, combining its reception with other anabolic steroids.

One of the main factors in the popularity of growth hormone in sports was its ability to reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat. In addition, it actively contributes to the set of dry muscle mass, strengthening of bone tissue and water accumulation.

Also, when taking this hormone, the number of injuries associated with damage to joints and ligaments decreased sharply. This was due to the fact that growth hormone not only helped heal and restore bone and tendon tissues, but also strengthened them.

By the way, the use of this hormone in powerlifting does not make any sense. The fact is that it is not able to increase strength and increase endurance. In addition, it makes it difficult to recover from heavy training.

Generally speaking, growth hormone is an ideal tool for gaining muscle relief in bodybuilding. It has a low frequency of side effects, does not affect potency and does not cause androgenic effects. At the same time, its effectiveness is extremely high. Often when taking it, the growth of muscle mass is only a couple of kilograms, this is usually due to the fact that there is a loss of body fat. However, the main disadvantage of growth hormone is the extremely high cost of the course.

However, many scientists are convinced that it is possible to increase the production of growth hormone (3-5 times) in the body without the use of hormonal drugs.

The following methods can help increase the secretion of somatotropin:

Good sleep
Physical activity classes
Receiving adequate amounts of protein
Additional intake of arginine and glutamine
Proper sports diet
Intake of creatine.
Side effect

Growth hormone has been used by many professional athletes for a long time. Since this hormone is produced in the body naturally, side effects from taking it are quite rare and occur mainly when using large dosages over a long period of time.

Possible side effects of taking growth hormone:
Tunnel syndrome-characterized by pain and numbness in the extremities. The main reason for such manifestations is an increase in the volume of muscles that begin to compress the peripheral nerves. As a rule, this syndrome disappears with a decrease in dosages.
Accumulation of fluid in the muscles – this side effect is inherent in many hormonal drugs (used for anabolic purposes). You can try to minimize this effect by reducing the consumption of salty food and avoiding alcohol.
Increased blood pressure. It is eliminated either by reducing the dosage of growth hormone, or by taking antihypertensive drugs.
Inhibition of the function of the thyroid gland is weak. To eliminate it, on the course of taking growth hormone, it is recommended to take Thyroxine (25 mcg per day). It is worth noting that after the end of the course, the function of the thyroid gland is fully restored.
Hyperglycemia – an increase in blood sugar. This side effect is eliminated by taking additional insulin or drugs that stimulate the pancreas (for example, diabeton).
Acromegaly (pathological enlargement of certain parts of the body) - observed when using high doses of growth hormone for a long period of time. If moderate doses are observed, it does not occur.
Hypertrophy (enlargement) of internal organs – occurs only in the case of super-large doses of growth hormone.
Side effects of growth hormone, not confirmed by official science:

An increase in the abdomen.
It is believed that taking growth hormone over time leads to an increase in the abdomen (due to hyperplasia of internal organs due to IGF-1 receptors). Currently, science has not confirmed this fact, but the experience of some professional bodybuilders shows that this can happen. Experts explain this by the fact that many professionals take large doses of growth hormone in combination with other anabolic steroids, which can indirectly affect the increase in the abdomen.

Impotence and infertility.
According to research, the use of GR for anabolic purposes did not lead to pathological changes in sexual function.

Suppressing the production of your own growth hormone.
According to research by professors Elmer M. and Cranton M., in more than 100 patients taking growth hormone, there was no suppression of the function of their own production of GR.

Development of tumors.
It is believed that taking growth hormone can accelerate the division of cancer cells. Wanting to test this fact, scientists conducted a study that found that patients suffering from tumors and undergoing treatment with growth hormone did not show a deterioration in their condition.

Right conclusion

Taking any hormonal drugs for anabolic purposes leads to irreversible consequences for the body. There are no safe steroids and there can't be. The use of these drugs for building muscle mass and strength can only be justified if the athlete earns money by performing or has the status of a professional (which is generally the same), soberly aware of the consequences of such a sports career.
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