Twisting the press

Twisting the press
Twisting - basic exercises for abdominal muscles, especially the abdominal rectus muscles. It crunches with weights are a key exercise to create abs.
If you want to stimulate growth of abdominal muscles, use the weights and number of repetitions should be about 20. For the formation of the relief is necessary to alternate the first and second approaches from one activity to another.
Not unbend too much during the crunches - this will contribute to stretching of the abdominal muscles, and thus reduce the tonus of the anterior abdominal wall.

The types of twists:

Twisting on the floor
Working muscles: "upper abs"
This option is the most common type of sit-UPS, activates all of the abdominal muscles. Lower back also lies with the minimum load.
Technique: Lie on the floor on your back, bend your knees at a 90 degree angle, hands put behind your head, elbows dissolve in the parties. The force of the abdominal muscles, begin to lift (not jerk) the shoulder belt from the floor towards the pelvis. The slowly return to the starting position.

Twisting with the rotation
Working muscles: straight abdominal (mainly upper part), with emphasis on the obliques.
Technique: Lying on your back by the force of the abdominal muscles lift your shoulders off the floor and lift the body towards the legs, but do not try to touch the thighs, forehead or stomach. Whilst slightly turn the torso to the right. Do the next repetition with the left turn.

Side twisting.
Involved muscles: working out the oblique muscles of the abdomen. This exercise is well suited to make the waist more narrow.
Technique: Lie down sideways on the bench so that the part of the body above the waist beyond the edge, and you could freely bend the body up and down. Ask someone to hold your feet during the exercise. Bending at the waist, slowly lower to the bottom position and slowly rise to starting position.

Reverse crunches
Reverse crunches involve lifting the legs.
Technique: Lie on your back on the floor and stretch your arms along the body. Bend your knees and lift your hips up until, until they occupy a position perpendicular to the floor. Force the abdominal muscles to pull your knees towards your chest. At the top of the exercise, the knees should be as close as possible to the chest and the pelvis should be completely raised above the floor, try to straighten the leg, do not perform reverse crunches due to the muscles of the thigh.
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