Want to quickly break down fats? Protein diet to help You

Want to quickly break down fats? Protein diet to help You
Как часто приходится слышать за столом отказы от вкусной и сытной пищи! «Я сел(а) на диету!» - неужели Вам незнакомы эти слова? Кто-то относится к диете лишь как к одноразовому мероприятию – к примеру, чтобы втиснуть свои габариты в новое платье, а некоторые делают диету своим стилем жизни, способом сохранить здоровье, красоту, и, конечно, фигуру.How often we hear at the table cracks from the delicious and nourishing food! "I got(a) on a diet!" - are You not familiar with these words? Someone refers to diet only as a single event – for example, to fit your dimensions in a new dress, and some make a diet its a lifestyle, a way to preserve the health, beauty, and, of course, figure.

Many famous and wealthy people – models, Actresses – develop your own diet and share with the public their achievements in the fight against excess weight (whether fruit-vegetable or wheat-free diets) and harmful habits.

One of the most interesting and effective ways to lose weight can be called protein diet.

Let's remember what the function in our body perform these substances. First, proteins promote growth and recovery – at all levels from cellular to organismal, and secondly- proteins – a valuable source of energy, thirdly, – many important hormones in our body are of a protein nature. In addition, proteins are used in the process of hemoglobin synthesis and maintain a constant level of blood pH.

Among the products are the Champions of the higher content of proteins – grains, legumes, poultry, dairy produce, meat and fish products. Intake of protein per night: from 65 to 117 g/day, for males, from 58 to 87 g/day for women. The standard ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates 1-1-4, respectively.

The basic principle of the protein diet – increased protein consumption while reducing the share of uglevodosoderzhaschie products, allowing you to speed up the process of splitting of the accumulated fat. The main products of Your diet should be fish, lean meats, stewed vegetables, eggs, dairy products, coffee and tea with crackers. The total duration of the course of treatment is fourteen days. In recent days, you can afford sweets, not to return to their previous weight. Be sure to add omega fatty acids 3-6-9.

This diet, like many others, there are different varieties: protein and vitamin, protein and vegetable/fruit (for example, the combination of a banana and protein diet), protein and fat. It is easy to guess from the name, what components should be supplemented with a high protein diet. One of the most successful combination is considered to be protein-vitamin diet, because excessive intake of vitamins will help You cope with the problems associated with limited food. But it is believed that for some a good combination is a protein-fat diet.
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