A list of foods that speed up metabolism (and help burn calories)

A list of foods that speed up metabolism (and help burn calories)
- fatty fish (trout, mackerel, sardines, salmon) — the same fish oil, aka omega 3, the best "fuel" for burning calories and accelerate metabolism;

- pepper of Chile — "Ooh, hot!", — I think we tasted the pepper word. And this is something we need;

- seaweed — they stimulate the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, and she, in turn, is responsible for control of metabolism; the better it runs, the more profitable for us;

coffee — one Cup of drink speeds up the metabolism by 10%. But it is better one and limited;

- dark green leafy vegetables arugula, broccoli and spinach. At the same time a storehouse of vitamins and healthy fiber. Our body expends to digest it more calories than it receives from it.

- tomatoes — the same reason as in the previous paragraph. And besides, tomatoes contain healthy acids that help the kidneys to get rid of weight loss products;

- oranges and tangerines and other citrus fruits help to burn up to 100 extra calories per day, so take pride of place in our list;

- proteins — meat, fish and even tofu by themselves accelerate the process of thermogenesis in the body;

green tea — known fat burning drink.
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