
Вкусный и полезный сыр Рикотта и почему его следует есть чаще.

Сыр рикотта — это свежий сыр, приготовленный из сыворотки и небольшого количества творога, оставшегося после разделения во время сыроделия. Сыр рикотта чаще всего производят из коровьего молока, но его также можно производить из овечьего или козьего молока.

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  552 Hits

Ешьте спелую клубнику, зная о ее пользе.

Клубника — это очень сладкая, ароматная, богатая клетчаткой ягода, наполненная витаминами, минералами и антиоксидантами. Клубника — одна из самых популярных ягод на рынке, с естественным восхитительным вкусом и большим количеством питательных веществ. Легко понять, почему клубника идеально подходит для здорового образа жизни.

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  485 Hits

Полезный и волшебный фрукт киви.

Киви — это маленький фрукт, который обладает множеством полезных свойств.

К сожалению, у некоторых киви может вызвать аллергию. Однако для большинства людей, не страдающих аллергией, киви — это сладкий способ добавить в рацион витамины, минералы и клетчатку.

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  505 Hits

Кукуруза намного полезнее чем вы думали.

Кукуруза является основным продуктом кухонь всего мира. Многие люди любят кукурузу, но не понимают насколько она питательная.

Кукуруза содержит тиамин и другие витамины и минералы; одна кукуруза в початке содержит 88 калорий. Это недорогое и легкодоступное зерно также является хорошим источником углеводов и содержит больше белка, чем вы могли бы ожидать.

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  422 Hits

Ешьте финики с пользой для здоровья.

Финики — одно из самых сладких удовольствий природы. Высокое содержание сахара в них может заставить задуматься о том, полезны ли они. Финики, безусловно, сладкие, но как фрукты они также содержат полезные микроэлементы и некоторое количество клетчатки. Вы можете потреблять финики в умеренных количествах, но они ни в коем случае не являются пищей с пустыми калориями.

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  554 Hits

Такой деликатес как голубой сыр на самом деле очень полезен.

Заплесневелой еды обычно нет в меню, если только вы не любите голубой сыр. В то время как вы должны выкинуть заплесневелый хлеб, голубой сыр сделан из плесени и это то, что придает сыру голубые прожилки, смелый вкус и острый запах.

Голубой сыр, который, как считается, возник в Рокфоре, Франция, доступен в нескольких сортах, включая горгонзолу, стилтон и камбозолу. Голубые прожилки, характерные для голубого сыра, развиваются из бактерий Penicillium Roqueforti, которые растут в небольших проколах, созданных поверх сырных голов в начале процесса созревания сыра.

Хотя голубой сыр обычно содержит много натрия, он богат молочным белком, пищевыми жирами и необходимыми витаминами и минералами, включая кальций, фосфор, калий, цинк и витамин А. Что отличает каждый сорт, так это тип используемого молока, длина созревания, а также текстура и вкус.

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  514 Hits

Add arugula to your diet after you learn about its benefits.

Arugula provides a healthy diet, but contains few calories. These are green leaves with a spicy taste. Arugula leaves are rich in nutrients, including beta-carotene, vitamin C, folic acid and magnesium, which are key to the proper functioning of body systems.

Although arugula is not like broccoli, it is a cruciferous vegetable with many of the same health benefits as broccoli and Brussels sprouts. Arugula is relatively inexpensive, and it's easy to find pre-packaged at most grocery stores. It is also easy to grow at home in the garden on the windowsill or outdoors.
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  539 Hits

The crispy benefits of iceberg lettuce.

No salad adds freshness to a vegetable salad, hamburger or such as iceberg lettuce. Although iceberg lettuce is popular, it's no secret that its nutritional qualities pale in comparison with some darker varieties of lettuce.

If you've been wondering if it's worth eating iceberg lettuce at all, the answer is yes. The iceberg has several useful qualities, including a high water content, which will make you reconsider your opinion about it.
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  559 Hits

All about the benefits of cucumber for your health.

Cucumbers are crispy and refreshing due to the high water content. However, having 95% water, you may wonder if they do a lot of good. Along with potassium and KiS vitamins, cucumbers contain several phytochemicals with promising health benefits.
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  532 Hits

Check out the underappreciated healthy fruit - the pear.

Pears are sweet, delicious fruits rich in fiber, low in calories and rich in antioxidants, including vitamin C. They are used as anti-inflammatory, diuretics. And the beneficial properties of pears for health, such as protection from stroke and not only.
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  489 Hits

What is the use of an exotic fruit - pineapple.

Pineapple is a nutritious and delicious fruit with a number of unique health benefits. If you follow a low-carb diet, you may be wondering if pineapple is a good choice. Despite its signature sweetness, pineapple can be included in any healthy eating plan for as long as you want. Pineapple is low in fat and sodium, as well as a lot of healthy vitamins and minerals.
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  513 Hits

What is so useful about one of the representatives of citrus fruits - grapefruit.

Grapefruit is a hybrid of orange and pomelo, which appeared in Barbados in the 18th century. Today you can find this subtropical citrus fruit all year round in most grocery stores. The inner part can be white, pink or ruby, the bright yellow skin can vary in different thickness.

Many people eat grapefruit halves raw and sprinkle with sugar or honey. But it can also be grilled or served as a dessert according to various recipes. Grapefruit can be added to salads, salsa or sliced and served with fish. Since grapefruit is low in calories and is a good source of fiber and vitamin C, it can be a great addition to your diet.
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  575 Hits

Полезная тыква для вашего организма.

В то время как у многих из нас есть любимый рецепт тыквенного пирога, который мы готовим на праздники, богатые запасы питательных веществ тыквы делают ее здоровой пищей, которую можно употреблять круглый год, в сладких и соленых блюдах.

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  2223 Hits

Find out why coconut oil is deservedly praised for its benefits.

Coconut oil is a vegetable fat obtained from the pulp of coconuts. Due to the large amount of saturated fats, its fame lies in the fact that it is one of the few vegetable oils that remains solid at room temperature. Many people like its neutral, slightly sweet taste, as well as the crumbly texture that it can give to cooked dishes.

In recent years, coconut oil has become extremely fashionable, it is often advertised as a healthy alternative to animal fats, such as butter or lard. But, like any other saturated fat, coconut oil should be consumed in moderation.
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  444 Hits

Do you like green onions? Find out what its benefits are.

Green onion (Allium schoenoprasum) is a member of the genus Allium, leeks and green onions. The lower stems and bulbs of this herb have a mild, pure onion flavor, which is often used to decorate foods such as baked potatoes or stuffed eggs.
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  443 Hits

All about the benefits of seaweed.

Seaweed has been popular in Asian cuisine for centuries, and it is starting to gain popularity in other parts of the world as well. Seaweed is a source of a number of vitamins and minerals and offers several promising health benefits.
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  469 Hits

8 health benefits of skiing and snowboarding.

All skiers and snowboarders really enjoy their holidays. You are happy with your pastime, eat a lot and sleep like a dead man. What makes you feel this way?
As with any energetic sport, skiing and snowboarding will really test your fitness. There will be so many different parts of your body involved, from your legs to your core muscles, not to mention your heart and lungs. Consequently, there are many benefits, some physiological, some psychological, and some almost spiritual.
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  494 Hits

7 truths about proper nutrition and training.

Going towards your nutrition and fitness goals is exciting, but sometimes it can be a little scary. One minute you feel like you're making a huge success, the next you're wondering if you should change direction or try something else.

Information about diet and exercise can come from all sides, and it's not easy to figure out what's worth spending time on, and sometimes it can be completely overwhelming. Should I avoid carbohydrates or eat them? Eat less on rest days? Exercise before you can indulge yourself? With so many rules, it can be hard to know what to believe. Here are six truths about diet and exercise that you not only need to know, but that will help dispel some common myths.
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  473 Hits

Be sure to eat foods that contain vitamin B12.

Vitamin B12 is an important nutrient that we need to get from food or supplements because our body cannot produce it. Although vitamin B12 is found in many foods, some populations are at higher risk of deficiency.
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  453 Hits

Learn all about the benefits of watermelon for the freshest and juiciest summer.

Watermelon, one of the most popular summer treats, contains few calories and a lot of water.

Facts about the nutritional value of watermelon

One plate of diced watermelon (152 g) contains 46 calories, 0.9 g of protein, 11.5 g of carbohydrates and 0.2 g of fat. Watermelon is an excellent source of lycopene and vitamins A and C.
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  567 Hits