What is the use of an exotic fruit - pineapple.

Pineapple is a nutritious and delicious fruit with a number of unique health benefits. If you follow a low-carb diet, you may be wondering if pineapple is a good choice. Despite its signature sweetness, pineapple can be included in any healthy eating plan for as long as you want. Pineapple is low in fat and sodium, as well as a lot of healthy vitamins and minerals.Nutritional value of pineapple

One cup of pineapple slices (165 g) contains 82 calories, 0.9 g of protein, 22 g of carbohydrates and 0.2 g of fat. Pineapple is an excellent source of vitamin C.

Calorie content: 82.5
Fat: 0.2 g
Sodium: 1.7 mg
Carbohydrates: 22 g
Fiber: 2.3 g
Sugar: 16.3 g
Protein: 0.9 g
Vitamin C: 79 mg


As with most fruits, the calories in pineapple come mainly from carbohydrates. One cup of fresh pineapple slices contains 22 grams of carbohydrates. Of these 22 grams, 16 grams are in the form of sugar (fructose) and 2 grams are fiber.


Pineapple has very little fat, less than half a gram per serving.


Pineapple is not an important source of protein. It contains less than 1 gram per serving.

Vitamins and minerals

Pineapples are an excellent source of vitamin C. One cup contains a whole daily allowance of this vitamin. In addition, one serving of pineapple contains 181 micrograms of copper. Given that an adequate intake of copper is 900 mcg per day, eating pineapple is a great way to reach the recommended level of this important mineral.


There are 82.5 calories in one cup of pineapple slices. Almost all of these calories come from carbohydrates.

Health benefits

Pineapple, like other fruits, offers several short- and long-term health benefits. This is mainly due to the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants contained in pineapple.

Reduces inflammation

Pineapple contains the anti-inflammatory substance bromelain. This enzyme may be useful in combination with other medications for the treatment of acute sinusitis. It is also sold as supplements to treat arthritis, muscle sprains, sprains and other injuries. It is even used as an anti-inflammatory agent in dental surgery and the treatment of burns.

Reduces abdominal obesity

Eating enough fruits and vegetables is a well-established practice to maintain a healthy weight. In addition to the numbers on the scales, abdominal obesity or visceral fat is of particular concern because of its association with heart disease and metabolic syndrome.

In addition, sweet snacks contribute to abdominal obesity. The sweet taste of pineapple combined with its healthy nutritional profile makes it an ideal substitute for processed sweets.

Helps in the restoration of the skin

The high content of vitamin C in pineapple helps the body to produce collagen. Collagen plays an important role in wound healing. Getting enough vitamin C from natural sources, such as pineapple, helps the body to repair skin damage in a timely manner.

Promotes healthy intestines

Bromelain is often marketed as a digestive enzyme that helps stomach acid break down food.

Polyphenols from plant products, including pineapple, contribute to the reproduction of a diverse intestinal microbiome. A healthy gut offers a number of benefits for the immune system and is associated with the prevention of chronic diseases.

Fights cancer cells

Bromelain has also been studied for its effect on stomach and colon cancer. Bromelain promotes apoptosis, a mechanism of programmed cell death that the body uses as a natural defense against abnormal cells.


If you are allergic to various fruits, you may also have a reaction when eating pineapple. According to medical experts, cross-reactivity is possible with allergies to fruits. If you experience food allergy symptoms such as hives, swelling, or difficulty breathing, consult your doctor for diagnosis.

Side effects

Bromelain in pineapple may not be safe for people taking certain medications. You should talk to your doctor before consuming pineapple if you are taking blood thinners or some sedatives.

When is it better to buy

Fresh pineapples are imported from countries with warm climates and in season in spring, autumn and winter. Frozen and fresh pineapples are naturally sweet and do not contain added sugar. Frozen pineapple is perfect for any time of the year.

Some brands of canned pineapples may contain a lot of sugar, especially if the fruit is canned in syrup. Check the ingredients list to see if sugar is added to the brand you are buying. If so, drain the liquid and rinse the fruit to reduce the amount of excess sugar. And even better, give preference to pineapples canned in water or their own juice.

Food storage and safety

Pineapples spoil easily. It is important to use fruits soon after purchase and be careful in the selection process. Choose fruits that are heavy for your size. It should have a strong, sweet aroma and rich color. Avoid pineapples that smell sour. Avoid fruits with dried leaves, darkened areas or soft spots.

Always wash fresh fruit before slicing. After slicing, store in the refrigerator and eat for three to five days.

How to cook

Pineapples can be intimidating fruits to slice, but that shouldn't be a problem once you master the technique of cutting it. You can also purchase it pre-sliced fresh or frozen.

Cut off the leaves and stem.
Place the fruit vertically and cut the peel in vertical strips.
Cut the fruit from the wood core — this is usually done after the fruit is cut into quarters.
Cut the pulp of the fruit at will.

Fresh pineapples will be a great addition to salads. You can also add sliced pineapple to yogurt, cottage cheese or ricotta, or use it in smoothies. Smoothies are a great way to use frozen pineapple. Pineapples can also be baked, grilled or added to various soups and stews.
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