Exercises on press.

Exercises on press.

Exercises for lower abdominal muscles:

1. Bicycle: lying on your back imitate riding a bike can change the height of the feet and will be developed as the upper and lower abdominal muscles.

2. scissors: lying on your back straighten your legs and imitate scissors while also changing the height of the legs.

Exercises for obliques:

3.the lying position. Arms bent, palms on the back of the head.Bend your knees at a 90 degree angle;

- simultaneously raise the left knee and meet him right elbow. The same repeat with the right knee and left elbow.

Exercises on the upper abdominal muscles

4.arms bent, palms on the back of the head. Legs bent at a 45 degree angle.

Chin does not drop to the chest. Do small lifts of his torso up.
Mini workout.
Important information!

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