Why you need to drink more water

Why you need to drink more water
Water is an integral part of people's lives. Especially important it is for sports enthusiasts. Protein synthesis is impossible without water. Water moistens the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, this is especially important if the room uses air-conditioning system, which make the air dry.

What is the use of water for fitness?
  1. Reduces fluid retention. If the body contains enough water, it begins to store it in the cell space. Then there is swelling.
  2. Creates the right conditions for sustainable recovery and muscle growth, promoting the absorption of multivitamins and supplements.
  3. Helps the kidneys to properly perform its functions and excretes toxins and other waste products: urea, excess nitrogen and ketones.
  4. Reduces the concentration of salt in the body. When consuming large amount of sodium the body retains water to dilute.
  5. Enhances metabolism of fats. If water is insufficient, kidney is not able to function normally. Then their function of filtering the blood partially takes over the liver is responsible for converting stored fat into energy. In such a situation, fat is burned less.
  6. Is the cooling system of the body.
  7. Reduces the feeling of hunger.
  8. Supports the body in shape.

How much water should you drink?

General recommendations in relation to the amount of water needed does not exist. Individual replacement rate of the fluid is calculated on the basis of sweating, and fluctuations in body mass at the same time. In an average training session to restore fluid balance need to drink 400 to 800 ml of water per hour (can be more, the main thing that doesn't splash)).

What would happen if water to drink a little?

  1. Bodybuilding and fitness is significant physical activity, which lead to a large amount of water loss. It depends on intensity, duration of exercise and many other factors. When lifting weights strengthened the muscles causes excessive sweating.
  2. If you consume an insufficient amount of water dehydration occurs. The body temperature rises, heart rate quickens sharply. Decreases the amount of blood which per unit of time is thrown into the vessels of the heart. Reduced blood flow in the arteries.
  3. The result is a reduced tolerance level to load. Therefore, a person can no longer work with the same as before, intensity.

Amateur and professional who train hard, you need to drink more water.

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