How to make a training plan

How to make a training plan
Your personal training plan should be drawn up to ensure that you have a clear unique way of achieving your goals. This is a project that organizes all of your classes into one cohesive program for success.
Before create a plan, decide the order of your workouts. Also collect indicators relating to health or just to some competitions, for example, body composition, stress tests, tests for strength. Your goals and your current state gives you important information on which you can build your individual training program.

Steps 1 through 6 on how to model your plan.

1. Define an end date to achieve your goals and go back to the present.

2. Break it all the time in the training phase with a duration of at least 4 weeks (with some degree of liberty), starting with the initial stage.

3. Create for each phase of your task, so that in combination they lead to your goals.

For example, phases may have tasks such as to increase strength training, cardio training or supporting training. Therefore, all exercises should be selected in accordance with the phases. The use of training phases, or cycles, called "periodization".

4. Within each phase, or cycle, add the weekly and daily variation that is suitable to perform the tasks of this phase. Small changes in the training process will bring the permanent results and will save you from boredom.

5. Select the basic exercises and alternatives that you plan to include in your program based on your equipment and abilities. Follow any prescribed exercise that you would get from a professional in the field of health.

6. Exercise plan details the first phase. Choose exercises and activities for each session and determine the order of their execution. Select a quite time for all classes, including warm-up and hitch.

After planning, do the first phase. Evaluate your progress and revise phase II and subsequent based on how you move towards achieving your training goals.
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