How to add more fruits and vegetables in your diet
Science believes that adherence to diet rich in fruits and vegetables, promotes heart health, reduces cancer risk, improves brain function and increases life expectancy. It is believed that a person needs at least two cups of fruit and one half Cup vegetables daily. Or, easier, about five to nine servings every day.

How should be a large portion?

As a rule, one serving of sliced fruit is equal to about half a Cup. And greens like spinach and lettuce, should be equal to one Cup. One whole fruit, e.g. an Apple or an orange also counts as one portion.

How to increase consumption of fruits and vegetables?

1. To make them more affordable home. Apples, pears, bananas, oranges and cherry tomatoes don't need refrigeration, so they can be stored at room temperature, you will be able to keep them in sight. When the time comes to eat, you'll be able to get the right fruit or vegetable.
2. Try something new. Serve fruit as a sweet treat, or eat pomegranate as a snack. Try different dishes as well as dishes from raw food diet.
3. Make a supply of frozen vegetables. They are easy to prepare and you can freeze some vegetables, such as peas, carrots, beans, and can be harvested and seasoned mixture.

Take fruits and vegetables to work. Dried fruits such as raisins, dates and dried cranberries are stored in plastic containers. Put it in her purse a bag of raisins for snacks. Individual portions of the apples or fruit cups that don't need refrigeration, can also be stored on your Desk.

Pack sliced carrots and celery to your lunch for a nutritious snack in the afternoon. If you dine in the restaurant, give up the fries for the side dish, choose boiled rice, buckwheat, beans, and drink 100 percent fruit juice instead of soda. Order vegetarian sandwiches and meals. They are usually low in calories and can give you two or three servings of vegetables with one sandwich.

Eat fruits and vegetables as after school snacks. Avoid bowls of ice cream and bottles of fizzy drinks. These snacks are high in calories and low content food.

Better replace them with:

1. Fresh chopped vegetables.
2. Mix your favorite 100% fruit juice
3. Smoothies with yogurt, berries or nuts and granola
4. Small bowl of cereal (grains) with fresh fruit, raisins and low-fat milk
5. Frozen seedless grapes
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