Stretching and flexibility exercises for athletes

Stretching and flexibility go hand in hand with sports for a variety of reasons. Good stretching is not only pleasant, but also helps the athlete maintain an appropriate and balanced range of motion in certain joints. Stretching is a way to actively increase the range of motion and thereby increase flexibility.Flexibility

Flexibility refers to the ability to move the joints in the entire range of their movements, from the bent to the extended position. Joint flexibility depends on many factors, including the length and elasticity of the muscles and ligaments, as well as the shape of the bones and cartilage that make up the joint. Flexibility may be genetic, but it can also be developed through stretching.

Flexibility is an important component of fitness, and exercise tends to increase joint flexibility. Flexibility also depends on the type of movement required for sports, so it is more important for some sports than for others. Cyclists, for example, need less hip flexibility than hurdlers, and swimmers need more shoulder flexibility than runners.

Recommendations for stretching and flexibility

When done correctly, stretching can have many benefits. Read the following tips before you start doing any stretching exercises.

1. Stretch it out safely. To avoid injury, always follow the rules of safe stretching.

2. Perform a static stretch. This means that you stretch for about 30 to 60 seconds at a time, without bouncing or pulling.

3. After the warm-up, stretch. Research shows that this is the best way to improve your range of motion. However, this is most useful for activities that require a greater range of motion.

4. Before training, perform a dynamic warm-up to keep your muscles warm.

5. Keep in mind that each joint has a perfect range of motion, and greater flexibility is not always better.

6. To maintain good muscle balance, stretch tense muscles and strengthen weak ones.

7. Avoid excessive stretching of cold muscles.

Upper Body Stretching Exercises

Use these stretch marks to work on specific areas of your upper body:

* Upper Body Stretching for Cyclists: Even if you are not a cyclist, you can benefit from this exercise for the shoulders, upper back, triceps, and neck.

* Lean forward standing: use for shoulders and hamstrings

* Cat stretching while standing on all fours: Great for the spine

* Turn the torso in the back

* Stretch the lower back and thighs

Types of stretch marks

Increased flexibility is achieved mainly by performing stretching exercises. The most common forms of stretching exercises are static, prolonged stretching exercises that are performed slowly and under control. Static stretching is considered safe for most people. They involve a slow, gentle stretch of the muscle, which is held in this position for 10 to 60 seconds and repeated about three times.

Another type of stretching exercise is called dynamic stretching. Dynamic stretching involves gradually increasing the range of motion and speed of movement with a controlled swing (not rebound) that reaches the limits of the range of motion in a controlled manner. But do not overdo it and strengthen this type of stretching. Examples of dynamic stretching are slow controlled leg swings, arm swings, or torso turns.

Dynamic stretching exercises improve the flexibility needed in most sports, and are often performed after a warm-up before an aerobic exercise workout. Dynamic stretching exercises include 10 to 12 repetitions of the movement.

Ballistic stretching uses momentum to push the joint out of its normal range of motion. A bouncing type of stretch is ballistic and very different from a dynamic stretch because it tries to increase the range of motion. This type of stretching is not recommended because there is an increased risk of injury (due to excessive stretching of muscles, tendons, or ligaments).

How to increase flexibility

Before stretching, it is important to warm up the muscles and joints. Stretching cold muscles can lead to injury, so make sure you do some exercise on a slight rotation of the joints, and light aerobic exercise. The rotations of the joints are performed from head to toe, using small slow circular movements (clockwise and counterclockwise) on each joint, until they all begin to move smoothly and easily. Before stretching, you can also do some walking (walking) or even jumping exercises to raise your internal temperature and improve blood circulation.

For a stretching exercise to improve flexibility, it must target a specific joint and must provide sufficient stretching of the muscles and ligaments over time to allow for adaptation to a new, increased range of motion. In essence, this means that when you stretch, you should feel a slight burning sensation and a slight discomfort that occurs when you go beyond your normal range of motion. By doing this, you will eventually develop a new range of motion. It is important to avoid excessive stretching of the muscles and causing injuries. It is recommended to stretch to a slight discomfort, but not to pain.

To improve flexibility in the long run, stretch every other day for at least six weeks. However, when you stop using or stretching this new flexibility, you will probably lose the gains you have made.

Benefits and myths

As an athlete, keep in mind that overall flexibility is less important than the flexibility that is appropriate for your sport. Research shows that the relationship between flexibility and injury risk is misunderstood. Greater flexibility does not necessarily mean fewer injuries, and an athlete with low flexibility is less likely to get injured. The main thing is to have the flexibility suitable for your sport, so that you can easily move through the range of motion without straining your muscles.

In fact, research also supports the idea that a proper pre-workout warm-up is more likely to help reduce injuries. Warm up by lightly training the main muscle groups that are used in your sport. You can also warm up with marching, circular arm movements, jumping from a standing position, or start exercising at a very slow pace.

If you are lifting weights, it is important to stretch, and the best time is right after the workout. Static stretching of tired muscles can increase flexibility and improve muscle building. Static stretching helps relax the muscles, removes lactic acid, and helps the muscles heal after a hard workout.

Is it possible to be too flexible?

The muscles and ligaments around the joint may become too flexible. Extreme flexibility may be associated with loosening of ligaments and muscles, which may provide less support to the joints and may even increase the risk of injuries, such as joint dislocations. Excessive flexibility can be as bad as it is insufficient.

You'll get plenty of advice from coaches and instructors on when and how to stretch, which in many cases reflects tradition rather than current research. While stretching can increase your range of motion and flexibility, it may not have all the intended benefits for your sport or activity.
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