10 superfoods that you should eat daily.

Ask five nutrition experts to make a list of their favorite "superfoods", in some points the results will match. The reason is that each type of food gives something different and brings great benefits to your body. One of the foods on the list may be a rich source of protein or fiber, but it lacks certain vitamins and minerals. Another super food may be loaded with disease-fighting antioxidants, but is largely protein-free.Eating a variety of "energy products" is the best way to ensure optimal health.

Try to eat the following foods every day, and you will replenish almost all the food blocks.

Blueberries are the best sweet antioxidant

In a study of common fruits and vegetables, blueberries contained more antioxidants than more than 40 of their competitors. This puts the humble berry at the top of the list of remedies for cancer, heart disease and dementia.

Blueberries also protect against urinary tract infections thanks to the antioxidant epicatechins.

Epicatechins prevent bacteria from sticking to the bladder wall. Blueberries are also rich in water, providing hydration to the skin and body cells.

Half a cup of blueberries corresponds to one serving of fruit per day.

Oats for fiber consumption

Oats with a high content of soluble fiber helps to reduce blood pressure and total cholesterol levels. Oats are a good carbohydrate, and they are rich in beta-glucan. Beta-glucan is a powerful soluble fiber that helps slow down the digestion of sugar and keep blood sugar levels under control.

Oats are also an excellent source of plant-based protein that helps promote muscle growth and recovery.

Each half-cup serving contains a whopping 10 grams, and many studies have shown that eating oatmeal can reduce the risk of heart disease. Recharge your day and your body with a bowl of oats - and besides breakfast, it's a great pre-or post-workout meal.

An apple once a day will save you from visiting the doctor

Studies can confirm that "one apple a day will save you from visiting the doctor." Apples are rich in the antioxidants quercetin and catechin, which protect our cells and help reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease.

Note: You can get more fiber and nutrients by eating the skin.

The apple and its peel contain more fiber than many other fruits, which can help in weight loss by increasing satiety. Apples have an amazing taste, are nutritious and provide energy in addition to the huge antioxidant properties.

Green tea increases metabolism

Green tea contains powerful antioxidants. It is shown that its antioxidant indicators are higher than those of fruits and vegetables.

Green tea contains high doses of catechin, an antioxidant that helps prevent cell damage in the body.

Catechin is indicated to reduce inflammation in the body, which is said to contribute to diseases and ailments. This powerful antioxidant has been shown to lower high blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Green tea has also been shown to help block the formation of plaques associated with Alzheimer's disease. Other health benefits include an accelerated metabolism for weight loss. The afternoon tea has become even sweeter - do not forget that it should be green.

Ground flax seeds reduce inflammation

Flaxseed is not only a good source of fiber, but also rich in alpha-linolenic acid. Alpha-linolenic acid is an essential fatty acid that reduces inflammation in the body.

Flaxseed also contains lignans, a type of plant compound known as polyphenols. These precursors contribute to reducing the incidence of certain hormonal cancers.

Studies show that other anti-inflammatory properties of flax seeds have been beneficial for acne and asthma. Ground flax is an excellent source of fiber and helps relieve digestive problems. Flaxseed is rich in nutrients and is a source of healthy fats. Flax is a wonderful "superfood", rich in minerals, incredibly fatty acids and healthy protein.

Yogurt improves the content of intestinal bacteria

Yogurt is known for its probiotic or live beneficial bacteria. Yogurt has been shown to reduce the growth of harmful bacteria in the digestive tract. It also helps to maintain a stable pH level in the body and can support the immune system. Some studies have shown that probiotics can help with vaginal yeast infections, inflammatory bowel diseases, ulcers, and urinary tract infections.

In clinical practice guidelines, probiotics are recommended for people with ulcerative colitis or irritable bowel syndrome only in the context of clinical trials. Yogurt is also an excellent source of calcium and protein for building bones . Not all yogurts are the same. Look for the phrase "live and active cultures" on the labels to make sure they contain probiotics. It is also recommended to use simple and candied varieties.

Broccoli is the king of antioxidants

Broccoli, a cruciferous vegetable, contains one of the most powerful antioxidants in our diet kit. Broccoli protects our body from cancer and is at the top of the list of superfoods. Broccoli has a high nutritional value with a low calorie content . It is the most nutritious of these vegetable "superfoods".

Research has recognized broccoli as the king of cancer prevention. Studies have shown that the sulfur compounds in broccoli signal our genes to increase the production of detoxifying enzymes. These enzymes potentially attack cancer-causing compounds.

In addition, broccoli contains nutrients that help support the immune and cardiovascular systems, strengthen bones, and fight birth defects.

Olive oil for heart health

Olive oil is considered a healthy dietary fat that reduces the risk of heart disease. The main fat of olive oil are monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAS). They have been shown to lower total cholesterol and help to stabilize blood clotting.

Olive oil is associated with lowering insulin levels and controlling blood sugar. Studies have shown great benefits for people with type 2 diabetes.

Olive oil also contains antioxidants called phenols, which prevent the accumulation of cholesterol in the walls of the arteries. Look for first-time, first-time cold-pressed olive oil for the best nutritional value.

The recommended dose is one tablespoon per day to get the heart health benefits.

Beans - food for the brain

Beans are a great source of soluble fiber and good carbohydrates to eat daily. Soluble fiber helps the heart by absorbing cholesterol before it can stick to the artery wall. Then cholesterol is eliminated due to the normal functions of the body. Studies show that eating high-soluble fiber can lower total cholesterol by 10-15% and is associated with a reduced risk of heart disease.

Black beans contain anthocyanins, an antioxidant compound that improves brain function.

They contain the highest-rated vegetable protein, but must be combined with grains such as brown rice to create a "complete" protein.

Cinnamon-a healing spice

Studies have linked cinnamon to the stabilization of blood sugar levels in people with diabetes. In addition, it is rich in manganese, iron, calcium and fiber, which are useful for the body.

Cinnamon also has antibacterial, anti-parasitic, and antifungal properties.

The health benefits of this super spice continue to be discovered in ongoing research, but it has long been used in traditional medicine
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