
The name "pump" (pumping with pump) already says a lot about the method. We pumped muscles, as a pump, by a constant, monotonous repetition of the same exercises with light weight.
Pumping muscles is, first of all, the feeling of "fullness" and "seal" the muscles, you will feel like the muscle is literally torn up with blood and water.

How is the pump training and what it gives?


Pumping is productive, cosmetic and pharmacological.
Productivy pumping is achieved in the process of training, and really stimulates muscle growth.
Cosmetic is a temporary effect, it is used before performances and photo shoots, to visually and increase the muscle volume by 10-20%.
The drugs pumping is achieved by applying different additives: arginine, creatine and fat burners.

Effect on muscles

Exercise pumping lead to the fact that muscles accumulate decomposition products: lactic acid and so on. Thus, increasing the sugar content, and sugar have gone with him to the cells water. Due to the water and "bursting" of the muscle. In addition, increasing blood flow, along with the food and oxygen intake. This, in turn, utilizes the decay products.


As repetitive exercises with light weight do not give an effective stimulus for muscle growth (much more efficient exercises with more weight), the pump is popular primarily due to the sensation of tearing muscle and subsequent supercompensation of glycogen. The essence of pumping is to do a few more repetitions after you reach feelings of exhaustion.


As this method is widely used in "drying", it makes sense to use the pump for weight loss. The only condition is vitamin supplements during the "drying", otherwise you will lose weight by losing muscle mass and not fat.

How to perform the exercises

Exercises are done in pumping the weight with which you can do for 15-20 repetitions and several approaches. After that, you slightly lower the weight and do another approach.
Also effective in pumping supersets.

The only drawback for fans of pumping would be a pain. Muscle pain always accompanies sessions with a large number of repetitions and the cause of pain is lactic acid, which is the basis of the euphoric sensations of the pump.
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