Take care of your liver

Take care of your liver
The liver is the internal filter of the body. The study of the liver by doctors is not limited to 2 diseases: cancer and hepatitis - a severe form of viral infection.
If doctors do not find signs of these diseases when examining the liver, it does not mean that it is healthy.
For example, cirrhosis. But cirrhosis is not exactly a disease, it is rather a severe consequence of diseases or the result of exposure to toxins.
Studies conducted in recent years have shown that the liver, which does not contain cancer cells and hepatitis viruses, can also be sick. In the fight against numerous toxins that enter the blood with breathing and food, the liver may lose its filtration capabilities. Moreover, it is "saturated" with poisons, just like the cleaning membrane of a water filter that was forgotten in time to change, and in the same way it itself becomes a source of intoxication of the body.

The ability of the liver to neutralize toxins is not so great-otherwise a person would not know poisoning. The liver is designed by nature as an internal "filter", the task of which is to neutralize numerous harmful substances formed during metabolic processes, as well as to remove excess of various types of hormones from the body (this allows you to maintain an optimal hormonal balance in the blood). The fight against industrial poisons is an additional burden on the liver, which can eventually partially or completely paralyze the liver's activity to remove metabolic toxins. But this is not the only cause of liver dysfunction. A survey of athletes living in areas with a more or less clean environment showed that many of them have hidden forms of liver dysfunction. The explanation is simple. The liver is not able to cope with the amount of toxic protein products produced when consuming huge portions of protein, especially in the form of powders. The situation is made worse by the fact that the liver of bodybuilders is already working at the limit due to the heaviest stress training, which contributes to the formation of a large number of internal toxins. As a result, the liver can not cope with such a load and becomes ill.

Liver cleansing

Since the liver is a real filter, first of all you need to clean this filter. Here are simple techniques that will help you do this.

It is enough to sit for a week or two on a rice-vegetable diet. At the same time, completely eliminate the intake of any concentrated proteins, reduce the intake of animal proteins. It is better to completely exclude meat, leaving only seafood and fish.
It is useful to go to the bath or sauna. The toxins expelled from the liver will come out with the sweat. At the same time, you need to drink a lot of clean water - at least 2 liters per day. The kidneys will start working in an enhanced mode, speeding up the elimination of poisons.
But starve in the interests of cleansing the liver is not worth it. The fact is that during fasting, the body extracts energy from internal tissues, splitting protein cells. This process is accompanied by the release of toxic substances that make the liver work hard.

These detoxification procedures are for those who clean the liver prophylactically. If there are serious problems with the liver, you will have to consult a doctor and undergo a special course of treatment.

Supplements for the liver

The best supplements for the liver are preparations containing essential (necessary substances that restore liver tissue) phospholipids - diglycerine esters of choline-phosphoric acid and unsaturated fatty acids: linoleic, linolenic, etc.along with vitamins. For Example, Essentiale. And various drugs based on medicinal plants that have a hepatoprotective effect and improve metabolic processes in the liver, for example, Karsil, Liv 52.

Also a very well established drug Heparin. Hepamine is a unique metabolic drug consisting of branched-chain amino acids (leucine, isoleucine, and valine), arginine, and a natural soluble dietary fiber called fibregam.

Take these drugs in courses during periods of intensive work "on the mass" according to the instructions.

Symptoms of liver problems

Liver disorders can manifest as these symptoms:

Chronic fatigue and General mild malaise, which the athlete often mistakenly considers as a sign of overtraining.
You Wake up at night from the fact that you are hot and stuffy.
You quickly get drunk even from a small dose of alcohol.
After a heavy meal, you feel a little sick.
There is no feeling of satiety and satisfaction.
Loss of flexibility in the joints. With liver disorders, the joints "dry out", they seem to lack lubrication. If you feel that it is difficult to bend your knees or hand joints, you should consult a doctor.
If it turns out that your liver is really affected, do not panic. Modern medicine is strong enough to deal with this kind of dysfunction. After a course of specialized therapy, you will be completely healthy and will be able to return to the gym.
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