How to increase the strength of the knee by side walking with an expander.

The exercise of walking with a side rubber looks (and seems) quite strange, but in fact it is an ideal way to improve hip stability, strengthen the hip abductor muscles, especially the middle gluteus muscle, and increase the stability of the knee joint. As part of the warm-up exercise, walking sideways involves many deep muscles that stabilize the pelvis. Doing this exercise before a workout can improve hip, foot, and ankle stability, as well as knee joint stabilization. This, in turn, improves the overall mechanics of the body and the effectiveness of movements during training or competition.Also known as: side step with resistance, side squats with resistance tape.

Goals: the abductor muscles of the thigh, the middle gluteus muscle.

Necessary equipment: resistance tape.

Level: Beginner


The exercise of walking sideways with resistance is especially useful for any athlete who is engaged in sports that require running, jumping, twisting and twisting. A weak gluteal muscle - one of the muscles on the hip side - can lead to problems in the knee joint. In fact, this is often the main cause of pain and injuries in the knees. A strong middle gluteus muscle not only stabilizes the hip, but also helps to maintain proper movement in the knee joint, reducing the lateral load on the knee.

This exercise protects the knee by training the correct movement patterns in the knee joint so that it does not bend and does not fall out. Many experts believe that incorrect biomechanics of knee movements is one of the factors explaining why athletes have a disproportionately high incidence of knee injuries.

When you sit for a long time, the gluteus medius and other abductor muscles can become weak and lead to certain types of pain. Maintaining the strength and flexibility of the abductor muscles is one of the keys to preventing these problems.

Step-by-step instructions

For this exercise to be effective, you need to choose an expander with the right strength. The colors of the stripes indicate the resistance level and progress.

Most athletes can start with a moderate resistance band and can progress over time, or they can stay at the same level. If this exercise is too difficult for you, use a light bandage. You can find expanders in any sporting goods store or on the Internet.

1. Keeping the strap straight, not twisted, place it just above each ankle.

2. Put your feet shoulder-width apart. The strap should be stretched tight, but not stretched.

3. Bend your knees slightly and assume a half-squat position to activate the middle gluteal muscle.

4. The feet should be in line with the shoulders, facing forward, the body weight evenly distributed on both feet.

5. While maintaining a half-squat position, shift your weight onto one leg and take a step to the side with the other leg. Move this leg to the sides, doing 8 to 10 repetitions. Keep your hips straight while moving. This exercise helps to keep your posture facing forward. The back should be straight, not rounded.

6. Slowly transfer weight and change legs. Take another 8-10 steps to the side.

Common mistakes

To get the most out of this exercise, avoid these mistakes.

Thighs are not even

Avoid tilting your hips up and down or to the sides. If you do the exercise correctly, you should feel it in the middle gluteus muscle. Your thighs will burn.

Knee position

In a half-squat position, keep your knees bent and aligned above the middle of the foot. This ensures that you are working on the right muscles and not straining your knees.

Swaying or bouncing

Try to move smoothly, without swinging or bouncing, this will distract attention from the desired muscles.

Modifications and variations

You can perform this exercise in different ways, depending on your abilities and level of physical fitness.

Need a modification?

If you are having trouble walking sideways, you may need to start with a less intense exercise for the middle gluteus muscle, for example, a hip pull on the side that targets the middle gluteus muscle.

You can do lateral walking without an expander for the simplest modification. Then move on to the tape with the least resistance. In addition, the strap will give less resistance if you place it on your hips instead of on your ankles.

Ready to take on the challenge?

As you improve your muscle strength, you can use bands with more resistance.

Another good exercise that should be included in the warm-up and help to use the hip stabilizers is the side bar.

Safety and precautions

If you have an injury or illness affecting your hips, knees, or ankles, discuss this exercise with your doctor or physical therapist. You will feel how your muscles work, and they may even burn after a few steps, but there should be no pain. Complete this exercise if you feel a sharp pain.
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