5 exercises for the chest muscles for women.

Despite the fact that the pectoral muscles are literally in front and in the center, they are quite easy to ignore.

First, a small anatomy of the pectoral muscle: all women have a large fan-shaped pectoral muscle on both sides of the breast, directly under the breast tissue. The smaller muscle, known as the pectoralis minor, is located in the upper part of the chest under the pectoralis major muscle. Collectively, these muscles are known as the pectoral muscles, and they cover the entire chest.There is some misconception that because women have breasts, they don't need to train their pectoral muscles, but don't be fooled. Training your pectoral muscles is just as important for you as it is for men. So, if you neglected these muscles, it's time to work with chest exercises with dumbbells and workouts with weights.

5 Benefits of Breast Training for Women

You will improve your posture
When it comes to posture, all attention is paid to the back and shoulders. However, as one of the largest muscles of the upper body, the pectoral muscles play an equally important role in maintaining posture and stability in an upright position, namely, supporting the shoulder blade and the shoulder joint itself.

Each muscle surrounding the shoulder blade and shoulder will be essential for stabilizing these joints. If any muscle becomes weaker, it will be compensated by tension in the joints.

It will make it easier for you to breathe
When you correct your posture, you also open your chest, which facilitates deep and high-quality breathing. The pectoralis minor muscle is especially useful, since the smaller triangular muscle attaches to the middle of the third, fourth and fifth ribs. Every time you inhale, the small pectoral muscles stretch, allowing the chest to expand.

You can make your breasts a little bigger (if you want)
Many women shy away from breast training because they think that their breasts will shrink and become simply inflated in muscles and without volume, but in fact this is the opposite of what can happen - breast training for women is similar to a non-surgical method of breast augmentation.

Exercises push the breast tissue up and forward more, so it creates the illusion that your breasts are bigger. In addition, the development of the pectoral muscles helps to lift the breasts, almost like a push-up bra.

And don't forget: increasing the muscles under the breast does not reduce the current breast volume.

You will make everyday life easier
Outside of the gym, your pectoral muscles play an important role in a variety of everyday activities, from loading grocery bags into the house to pushing a heavy door or dragging a suitcase around the airport. Almost any activity or movement of the upper body largely involves the pectoral muscles.

That's why, if your pectoral muscles have weakened due to non-use, the simple act of carrying and loading grocery bags into your home may seem like a problem. From a purely functional point of view, you will simplify your daily life if you add this breast workout for women to your exercise program.

You will work out other muscles
Of course, the pectoral muscles are large and important muscles, as explained above. But they are also important because they activate many surrounding muscles, namely the shoulders, back and triceps, which makes any chest exercise an important movement for the entire upper body.

5 Best Breast Exercises for Women

You might think that you need a gym full of equipment to train your chest with weights, but for this you will only need a couple of items. It is best to train your chest at home with dumbbells and a stuffed ball. Each of the breast exercises for women described below strengthens the muscles behind the breasts, as well as a number of other important muscles of the upper body.

Total time: up to 15 minutes

You will need: free weights, a stuffed ball, a gym ball.

Push-up with a ball

Start with a push-up position, with the left hand resting on the stuffed ball and the right hand on the floor.
Turn on your legs and tighten your core muscles.
Keeping your torso in a straight line, bend your arms at the elbows and slowly lower yourself as low as possible.
Push up with both hands to return to the starting position.
Do the repetitions on one side, and then grab the ball with the other hand and repeat on the opposite side.
Chest press with one hand

Take a dumbbell with your right hand and lie on your back on a gym ball.
Raise your hips so that the body forms a straight line from the knees to the shoulders.
Holding the dumbbell on your chest, bring your shoulder blades together.
Pull the weight straight up and then lower it back to your chest.
Do the repetitions with your right hand, then repeat for the left to complete one set.
Lifting the arms in the Y-position with dumbbells

Take a pair of light dumbbells and stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent.
Hold the dumbbells in front of your hips (lower your arms down).
Keeping the torso in tension, close the shoulder blades, lifting the dumbbells up in the Y position
. Return to the beginning at a slow and controlled pace.
Dumbbell pull at the stop

Take a pair of dumbbells and assume the plank position with straight arms (you will be standing on dumbbells).
Dumbbells should be directly under the shoulders, feet slightly wider than the shoulder distance.
Without moving your hips, bend your left elbow and lift the weight on your chest, pressing the elbow to the body.
Slowly lower the weight to the starting position and repeat on the other side. This is one repetition.
Lifting arms with dumbbells on the sides back

Stand up, feet shoulder-width apart, hold dumbbells palms forward.
Bend your knees and bend down so that your torso is parallel to the floor.
Without moving your torso, raise your arms straight to the sides at shoulder height.
Pause, then slowly return to the starting position.
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