These exercises will help you add activity to a sedentary lifestyle.
To improve your ability to sit down and get out of chairs, get out of cars and other seats, you need to strengthen your calves, hamstrings, quadriceps, hips and body. It won't be difficult if you start doing these exercises and gradually increase his load as you develop strength.
Such exercises are especially relevant for people who have been sedentary for a long time and now want to add activity to their daily routine.Power load
To build strength, use a weight or resistance that will allow you to perform from 10 to 15 repetitions of the exercise, and the last few repetitions should be difficult to perform. Use dumbbells, expanders or your body weight to create a load. In the first week after the start, let your legs rest from training and get used to the load. After a few workouts, start doing the exercises slowly, clearly controlling the range of movements.
Getting on your toes is the first step
The calves help the legs to rise from the chair. Before you start more complex exercises, start with a simple lifting on your toes, if you are quite a beginner or want a measured healthy load that will gradually strengthen your muscles.
1. Stand about half an arm's length away from the wall so that you can lean on it if you lose your balance.
2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, then stand on your toes.
3. Hold this position for at least 10 seconds, then slowly lower yourself.
4. Repeat this 10 times and do the exercise three times every day. Hold the weight in your hands to add load.
Climbing the stairs is the second step
Climbing the stairs helps to work out the calves, hamstrings, thighs and buttocks, and descending the stairs emphasizes the quadriceps. Slowly climb up and down the stairs to build muscle, and when you need to increase the load, then step over two steps. Use a ladder with handrails so that you can grab onto it in case of fatigue or loss of balance.
Russian Russian twist (Russian twisting) - the third step
The Russian twist is a wonderful exercise to warm up the muscles a little and disperse the blood during prolonged sitting. Work out the oblique abdominal muscles located on the sides of the abdomen with an exercise that forces you to make turns from side to side.
1. Sitting on a chair (or on the floor and on a rug), hold at arm's length an object weighing at least 1-1.5 kg.
2. Turn slowly to the right, using the body to turn, not the shoulders.
3. Pause for two seconds and then return to the starting position.
4. Pause for two seconds and repeat the same movements for the left side.
5. Repeat this exercise for 30 to 60 seconds or until you feel tired.
Practice turning using the core muscles, not the shoulders.
It was a brief instruction on Russian twists. There is a detailed description in the blog.
Climbing the step is the fourth step
Another way to work out all the muscles at the same time is to climb and descend one lower step of a ladder or another low platform.
1. Step on the step with one foot, then the other.
2. Alternate legs to create a marching movement.
3. Stand on your toe after each step to strengthen your heels.
4. Control the movement – the foot should come off the ground only at the moment when the first one stood up steadily, and not partially.
Leg presses – the fifth step
Your large quadriceps help you get up from the chair. Work with them using expanders while sitting on a chair.
1. Wrap your feet with rubber bandages and raise one knee to your chest.
2. At the same time, pull the expander, and then slowly straighten your leg, pulling the tape to the initial position.
3. Pause, and then return to the starting position with your knees bent.
4. Repeat the same with the other leg.
5. Vary the exercise by using both legs at the same time or performing it from a standing position.
Lifting the legs is the sixth step
Another way to work out the main muscles is to use the rectus abdominis muscle or the central abdominal muscles that make up the "six cubes", with the help of exercises that create a forward-backward movement. An easy way to do this is to do a leg lift while sitting on a chair.
1. Straighten your legs in front of you and slowly lift them up.
2. Stay in this position as long as possible without straining your back, then lower them.
3. Add weight to the ankles to get more load.
Such exercises are especially relevant for people who have been sedentary for a long time and now want to add activity to their daily routine.Power load
To build strength, use a weight or resistance that will allow you to perform from 10 to 15 repetitions of the exercise, and the last few repetitions should be difficult to perform. Use dumbbells, expanders or your body weight to create a load. In the first week after the start, let your legs rest from training and get used to the load. After a few workouts, start doing the exercises slowly, clearly controlling the range of movements.
Getting on your toes is the first step
The calves help the legs to rise from the chair. Before you start more complex exercises, start with a simple lifting on your toes, if you are quite a beginner or want a measured healthy load that will gradually strengthen your muscles.
1. Stand about half an arm's length away from the wall so that you can lean on it if you lose your balance.
2. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, then stand on your toes.
3. Hold this position for at least 10 seconds, then slowly lower yourself.
4. Repeat this 10 times and do the exercise three times every day. Hold the weight in your hands to add load.
Climbing the stairs is the second step
Climbing the stairs helps to work out the calves, hamstrings, thighs and buttocks, and descending the stairs emphasizes the quadriceps. Slowly climb up and down the stairs to build muscle, and when you need to increase the load, then step over two steps. Use a ladder with handrails so that you can grab onto it in case of fatigue or loss of balance.
Russian Russian twist (Russian twisting) - the third step
The Russian twist is a wonderful exercise to warm up the muscles a little and disperse the blood during prolonged sitting. Work out the oblique abdominal muscles located on the sides of the abdomen with an exercise that forces you to make turns from side to side.
1. Sitting on a chair (or on the floor and on a rug), hold at arm's length an object weighing at least 1-1.5 kg.
2. Turn slowly to the right, using the body to turn, not the shoulders.
3. Pause for two seconds and then return to the starting position.
4. Pause for two seconds and repeat the same movements for the left side.
5. Repeat this exercise for 30 to 60 seconds or until you feel tired.
Practice turning using the core muscles, not the shoulders.
It was a brief instruction on Russian twists. There is a detailed description in the blog.
Climbing the step is the fourth step
Another way to work out all the muscles at the same time is to climb and descend one lower step of a ladder or another low platform.
1. Step on the step with one foot, then the other.
2. Alternate legs to create a marching movement.
3. Stand on your toe after each step to strengthen your heels.
4. Control the movement – the foot should come off the ground only at the moment when the first one stood up steadily, and not partially.
Leg presses – the fifth step
Your large quadriceps help you get up from the chair. Work with them using expanders while sitting on a chair.
1. Wrap your feet with rubber bandages and raise one knee to your chest.
2. At the same time, pull the expander, and then slowly straighten your leg, pulling the tape to the initial position.
3. Pause, and then return to the starting position with your knees bent.
4. Repeat the same with the other leg.
5. Vary the exercise by using both legs at the same time or performing it from a standing position.
Lifting the legs is the sixth step
Another way to work out the main muscles is to use the rectus abdominis muscle or the central abdominal muscles that make up the "six cubes", with the help of exercises that create a forward-backward movement. An easy way to do this is to do a leg lift while sitting on a chair.
1. Straighten your legs in front of you and slowly lift them up.
2. Stay in this position as long as possible without straining your back, then lower them.
3. Add weight to the ankles to get more load.