Carbohydrates. Rules and regulations power

Carbohydrates are directly involved in building cell structures, provide osmoregulation and osmotic pressure, perform prescription option.
Carbohydrates are frequently used for fat burning and mass. In addition, under the influence of a series of complex chemical reactions they can play the role of fat burners. And then extra fat deposits turn into energy, which is consumed by muscles.

It must be remembered that the excess carbohydrates begin to be transformed into glycogen, which turns into excess fat. That is why low carb must be strictly according to the instructions, which are issued by the developers of a product. The amount of glycogen stored in the body without any negative consequences depends on the total muscle mass. Than the more muscular your body, the more carbohydrates will be able to store the body.

So, specialists recommend to consume carbohydrates at the rate of 7 g per 1 kg of body weight. You also need to understand that increasing the amount of carbohydrates should be combined with additional power loads. Carbohydrates provide the body with energy which will allow for the maximum long and intense workout.
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