What nutrients needed by people involved in sports?

The market associated with bodybuilding and sports in General, has a wide range of dietary supplements and sports nutrition. Each manufacturer offers products for muscle pumping and muscle support, fat burners and vitamins. They can also be used to treat people and even to strengthen hair follicles – it all depends on the purpose and composition of the product.
In order to select nutrients, you need to first decide what you want to get from them. Can focus on their needs, especially when you have already chosen a diet. People who want to reduce body fat definitely need other supplements than those who rely solely on muscle growth. You have to remember that dietary supplements for people actively involved in sports, contain substances that increase the stamina during intense workouts, as well as the ability to recover after a strenuous exercise.

The most common substance found in supplements are amino acids, proteins and carbohydrates to create muscle mass and strength. In addition, creatine, HMB and testosterone substances, without which it is difficult to imagine a good nutrient for athletes, isotonic substances, vitamins and minerals. The one who every day uses supplements usually has their favorite manufacturers.
Amino acid complexes to build your muscles
Carbohydrates. Rules and regulations power

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