Sports nutrition with fast weight loss

Only by the destruction of fatty tissue concerned with the athlete while working on “relief”? Not at all. After all, if during weight loss, he forgets about the comprehensive support of the body, the result gets more minuses than pluses.
Weight loss – stress for the body

To understand the need for additional intake of sports nutritional Supplements, you should understand that weight loss for the body is stress. The same is true for quick weight loss occurring in the performance of any fat burning training.

The body does not want to voluntarily give up their wealth in the form of fat deposits. After all, from the point of view of physiology is the supplies for a “rainy” day. So fat burning training does not create a comfortable environment, the body uses all the reserves to function in a given athlete rhythm.

Unfortunately, these conditions threaten not only adipose but also muscular tissue. For example, if the person loses weight on a diet, you lose 60% muscle and 40% fat. Correct training reduces the rate of destruction of recruited muscle, but not completely prevent.

Low-calorie diet without fat burning training which will not bring results, did not fully protect the muscles from catabolism. Therefore, the athlete is obliged to worry about taking a number of products sportpit, not to lose muscle.

How to keep muscles from disintegration

Along with thermogenically, L-carnitine, a natural fat and carbohydrates and other fat burners, any use of such Supplements:

Proteins with a slow rate of assimilation. Suitable for this purpose is milk casein that nourish the muscles a few hours after eating and helping to deal with hunger.

BCAAs-amino acids and fast proteins – prevent muscle catabolism during the workout and in the hours after.

Vitamins and minerals – make up the deficit do not get enough from diet food items. Without them the body is much harder to produce hormones, enzymes and several other substances necessary for normal functioning.

Blockers cortisol – suppress the threat of the hormone is actively produced during fat burning training and promote muscle breakdown.
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