Protein or weight gainer

Novice athletes are asking themselves this question when choosing food to increase muscle mass. The universal answer is no – consider the individuality of the particular person. What to choose, protein or weight gainer will learn from the material.
Characteristics of gainers

The main difference between the composition of the gainer in the presence of carbohydrates, not just proteins. And carbs in the weight gainer a decent amount – sometimes many times more than protein. Carbohydrates provide the body with energy for the assimilation entering the muscle cells of amino acids and alignment of these chains of proteins during regeneration of muscle tissue.

Sounds logical, but in fact, many gainers contain excessive doses of carbohydrates that the weight has been boosted. In this case, inevitably accumulate subcutaneous fat layer along with muscular tissues. And if to thin, not obese people, it is not critical (excess fat they are easy to clean), then endomorphy should avoid the competition.

A shock dose of carbohydrates will inevitably cast have obese people in the superiority of adipose tissue over muscle, ruin the dream of a harmonious figure.

With great care endomorphy take creatine with a low carb diet, and most importantly, that the sources were safe. This means that they prefer products with “slow” carbohydrates in the composition does not provoke a spike in blood sugar. But hardgainer (ectomorph) take protein or weight gainer after a workout fearlessly.

Protein is needed by all

The range of applications of protein much wider. Drink protein shakes when muscle mass and to maintain the existing volume, when you train on the terrain. For the effective application pay attention to the types and number of protein sources in a protein product.

Diet with predominance of fast protein sources (whey protein isolate and whey protein hydrolysate) replenish its reserves of amino acids after a workout, during the anabolic “window”.

Slow-digesting proteins (casein) to protect from the overnight catabolic processes gradually infuse amino acids into the blood for 7-8 hours after consumption of the product. In addition, caseine help to cope with hunger, in the stomach to form the protein clot. This makes them indispensable during fat-burning diets.

Matter use weight gainers or proteins, you need to learn one thing: sportpit only complements a well-balanced diet, but does not replace it.
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