Why do you need meat and poultry with proper nutrition?

Meat and poultry are excellent sources of protein. They also contain many other nutrients that your body needs, such as iodine, iron, zinc, vitamins (especially B12) and essential fatty acids.

Therefore, it is recommended to eat meat and poultry every week as part of a balanced diet.Why are meat and poultry so useful?

Meat and poultry are very good sources of protein, which is important for growth and development. But did you know that they are also full of other things necessary for health?

For example

* iodine to help your body produce thyroid hormone

* iron for the transport of oxygen through the body

* zinc to maintain the strength of your immune system, skin health, as well as for growth, development and reproductive health

* vitamin B12 for the nervous system

* Omega-3 to support heart and brain health.

Getting the right amount of meat and poultry

Advice about how much meat to eat can be confusing. How much meat and poultry is enough, and how much is too much?

Standard portion of meat or poultry:

* 65 grams of cooked lean red meat, such as beef, lamb, veal, pork and goat (about 90-100 grams raw)

* 80 g of cooked lean poultry, such as chicken or turkey (about 100 g raw).

The key to eating red meat is moderation. It is recommended to consume up to 455 grams of lean meat per week and limit the amount of processed meat (for example, ham and bacon) to avoid some of the health risks associated with the use of these products.

Healthy ways of cooking meat and poultry

There are so many delicious ways to cook meat and poultry. Check out these tips:

* Choose a lean piece of meat or poultry. Pork chop, lean steak or chicken breast without skin is a great option

* Cook the meat on the grill, not fry it. And do not add extra oil during cooking

* Use a low-fat marinade to give the meat and poultry a wonderful taste. Marinades also make the meat soft and retain its moisture during cooking

· When you roast meat or poultry, place them on a metal grill above the brazier so that the fat drips off it

* And when you cook stews, curries and casseroles, try adding less meat or poultry and more vegetables and legumes

Safe cooking of meat and poultry

Proper cooking of meat and poultry kills any bacteria. And this helps protect you and your family from food poisoning.

The rules for safe cooking depend on the type of meat or poultry. Some meat and poultry need to be cooked completely (that is, until there is no pink or red meat left inside when you cut it). Fully cook the following types of meat and poultry:

* poultry and game, including chicken, turkey, duck and goose

* pork

* by-products (including liver)

* cutlets and sausages

* barbecue

* rolled pieces of meat.

But you can eat whole pieces of beef or lamb when they are still not ready on the inside, but completely ready on the outside.:

* steaks

* cutlets

The best ways to store meat and poultry

Safe storage of meat and poultry also helps to stop the spread of bacteria, reducing the risk of food poisoning.

* Store fresh raw meat without packaging in clean containers in the coldest part of the refrigerator (at 0-3 °C).

· You can leave the meat wrapped in its original packaging, but this retains moisture, which promotes the growth of bacteria. Meat chilled in commercial packaging should be used within 3 days.

Freezing meat and poultry is a great way to extend storage. Here are some tips for safely freezing meat:

* Freeze meat and poultry just before the expiration date or earlier. It's best to put the meat and poultry in the freezer as soon as you get home from the store.

· If you defrost meat or poultry in the microwave, cook it right away. If you want to cook it later, defrost the meat in the refrigerator.

* When defrosting meat or poultry in the refrigerator, do it in a closed container.


* Meat and poultry are an excellent source of protein and many other nutrients your body needs.

* Stick to the necessary consumption of meat and poultry every week

* Meat and poultry must be properly stored and cooked
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