
How to choose lean meat.

When you're shopping or dining out, it can be helpful to know which protein sources are low in saturated fat. Although you may assume that the best way to reduce saturated fat intake is to completely abandon animal products, you can still enjoy fish, beef, pork and poultry by choosing low—fat pieces and making meat part of an overall balanced diet.
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Veal is the meat of calves with proper nutrition.

Veal is the meat of calves, most often male dairy calves aged from four to six months. It is usually more expensive than beef and is usually associated with Italian, French, German, Swiss, Hungarian and Czech cuisines.

The light pink color of veal is due to its dairy or artificial feeding and hemoglobin content. Since there is not as much hemoglobin in veal as in beef, there is less iron in it.
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Why do you need meat and poultry with proper nutrition?

Meat and poultry are excellent sources of protein. They also contain many other nutrients that your body needs, such as iodine, iron, zinc, vitamins (especially B12) and essential fatty acids.

Therefore, it is recommended to eat meat and poultry every week as part of a balanced diet.
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Alex  Hammer

What meat is better?

Meat has been an integral part of the diet of almost all human cultures since ancient times. Due to the content of protein and essential amino acids, which can not be obtained from other types of food, meat is extremely useful for athletes and people who are experiencing physical activity.Meat helps...
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