Why not see our muscles?

Why not see our muscles?
A lot of people, especially men, are just eager to have a relief body that will elevate them in the eyes of the weaker sex and their friends. But there are 10 insidious obstacles that more than 70% of all athletes encounter. If you are satisfied with everything, then you can not read further, but if you want to finally achieve the desired 8% fat level-plunge into the text, because this is the key to creating relief drawn muscles.

The increase in intensity at the expense of technique
The first mistake that most athletes make is to increase the number of repetitions by "chitting". In this way, they tend to increase the intensity and fat burning, but the problem is that this only moves them away from the terrain. The whole essence of the drawn muscles is a high-quality study of all the bundles.

What happens when you increase your intensity but lose your technique?

The smallest muscle fibers stop pumping, and instead they are more loaded with large ones. Thus, the development of muscles is sharply reduced. This does not mean that you do not need to increase the intensity at all, on the contrary, but you should do it gradually, not to the detriment of the technique, because it is the main guarantee of the relief of your muscles.

Training sessions are too long

Terrain training should not last more than 1.5 hours, otherwise it simply loses its effectiveness. Your muscles begin to reduce their mass and volume, so you, working out the relief in this way, cross out from 3 to 5 months spent on mass building. To prevent this from happening, you need to:

Complete the training so that everything planned can be done in 1.5 hours
Reduce the rest between sets
Not to be distracted by conversations in the breaks between the reps
Find your weight and do not try to increase it while you are working on the terrain
To use more of the superseries
If you implement these methods, you can complete a lot of exercises in one workout.

Insufficient or excessive intensity

Here everything is simple, if you perform a workout with insufficient intensity, the muscles will not be drawn because of the low degree of contraction. On the other hand, if you use too much intensity, you will drive yourself into a pit of overtraining, which will result in taking breaks, which is a lost time that can't be returned.
The right solution is to find a middle ground.

Lack of rest

Muscle fibers during periods of relief should have time to recover in order to be ready for new torturous loads. If you do not sleep well, sooner or later, depending on the strength of your spirit, you will begin to lose ground. Lack of rest will provoke:

Decrease in intensity
The decrease in working weights
Increasing rest periods between approaches
Increase the time of the entire training session
As a result, you can over-train, and this will only throw you back in the fight for a beautiful relief body with drawn and symmetrical muscles.

Incorrectly compiled program

Another reason why it is not possible to realize your potential is an incorrectly selected set of exercises. Each system must be individual, so someone else's program may not have enough effect on your muscles. You will either get too tired during the training, or Vice versa, you will not be able to achieve full pumping of your muscles. Therefore, always listen to your body (or coach):

Determine the degree of fatigue after training
Watch for pain in the muscles
Try to feel a burning sensation or numbness
If you do not have time to rest during the time between training sessions, you must first review your daily routine, and then pay attention to the program.

Lack of protein

Despite the fact that you will follow a diet while working to dry your body, your protein intake should still be such as to fuel your muscles. If the body is deficient in protein, the loss of muscle mass will begin, and this is not what you need to strive for. You need to plan your diet so that the protein intake during the study of terrain was 2 g per 1 kg of your own weight.


Nervous tension drains the body even more than physical, and it is much more difficult to recover from it. If you decide to practice, you just have to make sure that you provide a safety cushion from stress:

Do not get involved in incomprehensible quarrels
Stay away from nerve stimuli
Try not to be nervous when arguing with colleagues
Solve problems in the family amicably
It is clear that you can not completely get rid of stress, but you can always minimize their negative impact. Look at the world more simply, and remember how you imagine it in your mind, so it will be in reality.

Lack of liquid

Lack of fluid in the body can play a cruel joke on you in the process of working out the terrain. The fact is that when a person gets too little water, it begins to linger and the fat layer can increase. What this threatens your cubes, you have probably already guessed.

Therefore, during drying periods, all experts recommend drinking from 2 to 3 liters of clean water per day. It is very important to avoid sugary fizzy drinks, they will interfere with your work on the terrain, so it is better to save them until the next mass cycle or off-season.

Abuse of sweets

During drying periods, you will have to forget about the sweet. Exclude from your diet:

various carbonated drinks
sweet juice
sweets and sweets
buns, cakes, cakes
These foods will distract you from achieving your goal, and getting involved with them won't get you anywhere. It is much more useful to replace them with fruit. Make yourself a variety of fruit salads that will act as a reward for painstaking workouts in the gym. And remember your goal to have a beautiful body with drawn muscles.

Too few vegetables

Lack of vegetables can be disastrous and cause the athlete to break down during periods of severe dieting. All the usefulness of vegetables can not be underestimated, because it is not only useful fiber. This can be said to be your main food for the whole day. Why should you look at vegetables at all, because you can eat a lot of them and not slow down the fat burning process, which is very important during drying periods.

Remember! Your norm should be two or better three plates of vegetables for each day.


These pitfalls make the hull of your ship worse and worse with each collision, so try not to run into them.
The supercompensation
Take care of your liver

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