Do runners need strength training?

If you are new to running or have been running for many years, strength training will definitely benefit you.

Some runners hesitate to do strength training because they think it will make them bulky and slow. But strength training can make your running program more effective and enjoyable.The Benefits of Strength Training for Runners

Whether you want to get faster, stronger or lose weight, strength training will help you achieve your goals. Here are a few ways that strength training can improve your running program.

Increased running efficiency

If you've ever been out of shape due to fatigue by the end of a long run or race, strength training can help you.

Strengthening the bark can help you improve and maintain your running form, which will lead to increased running efficiency.

This is especially important for those who are preparing for a long-distance race, for example, a half marathon or a full marathon, since minor efficiency improvements can make a huge difference over all these miles.

Weight Loss

Increasing lean muscle mass will speed up your metabolism, which means that you will burn more calories both at rest and during workouts.

Increased endurance and reduced fatigue

Strength training helps your body better cope with the stress that occurs while running. Your muscles will be able to work longer before they get tired, which will help you maintain proper running form. Also, strength exercises will help you keep your balance while running and reduce the likelihood of seizures.

Faster pace

Improved form and stamina also leads to a faster overall pace. Runners usually notice an improvement in results soon after they add strength training to their routines. You don't need to do strength exercises for hours.

Even two or three 15-20-minute strength training sessions a week can build muscle mass.

Reducing the risk of injury

Lower body and core exercises are vital when it comes to reducing the risk of injury. Stronger core and leg muscles mean that you will maintain the correct running form for longer, which will reduce the risk of lower back pain or other problems associated with poor running form.

Many running injuries, especially knee and hip problems, are the result of muscle imbalance or weakness. If you feel pain or are worried about a defect or a previous injury, a sports doctor or physiotherapist may recommend special exercises for certain areas.

In addition to avoiding pain, the absence of injury also means that you will remain motivated to keep running and are more likely to develop a permanent habit of running and continue to improve as a runner.

Light jogging

Running becomes more enjoyable when it starts to feel easier. This happens at different times for different runners, but adding strength training to your program can definitely speed up the process.

Strengthening the leg muscles will help increase your endurance, which means you will be able to run longer without feeling tired.

Beginners may want to alternate days of running and strength training so as not to do them on the same day.

Types of strength training

There are various types of strength training, and not all of them are the best choice for runners. For example, in powerlifting, they train so that you can lift large weights for one to three repetitions.

This type of training usually leads to a significant increase in muscle mass (hypertrophy) and may not be the wisest approach for a runner who wants to stay slim.

Not all types of strength training are recommended for runners. Programs that include self-weight exercises, functional training and endurance strength training are best suited for those whose main goal is to improve running results.

Endurance Strength Training

Endurance strength training is aimed at increasing muscle endurance by lifting less weight and performing more repetitions.

When you do this type of weight lifting, you lift about 70% of your maximum and do 12 to 20 reps. You can perform from one to three sets of each exercise.

Functional training

Training with your own weight is also important for runners. Functional training exercises, such as lunges or squats on one leg, require that the large muscles of your body work together in the same way as during other daily activities, such as running.

These exercises improve balance, coordination, and movement efficiency — skills that will improve your running gait and overall performance. Functional training can also reduce the risk of injury.


Strength training programs that include plyometrics can increase the efficiency and speed of running.

Plyometrics are movements involving jumps or other rapid explosive movements.

Squat jumps
Lunges with a jump
Jumping on a box
Skipping rope
Lateral jumping exercises

Choosing the right program

There are different ways to choose a strength training program. But if your goal is to improve your running performance, you should choose a training program that matches your fitness level to minimize the risk of injury.

Endurance Strength Training and functional training: This is a good choice for anyone with any level of physical fitness. You can change almost every exercise for beginners and advanced athletes.
Plyometrics. However, plyometrics, as a rule, represent more advanced movements and involve some risk. While they can be beneficial, these exercises are best suited for those with more experience.
Training with your own weight: If you can't go to the gym regularly or you don't have dumbbells at home, then endurance training with weights may not be the best choice. However, exercises with your own weight can be performed anywhere with almost no equipment.


A regular program is needed to get results. Daily exercises are not required, but it is recommended to train more than once a week.

Strength training two to three times a week for 8-12 weeks will give optimal results for runners.

Of course, this requires that you balance your workout schedule so that you have time to run and time to visit the gym.

Train on the weekend

If you don't run every day, weight training on weekends is a reasonable approach. While it's vital to let your muscles rest, endurance strength training doesn't load your muscles in the same way as powerlifting and other types of weightlifting.

In addition, most endurance exercises and functional exercises help to increase the range of motion in the joints, speeding up the recovery process.

Another approach is to do strength training on the same days as a heavy running workout, either immediately after or later in the day. This strategy will allow you to take a day off the next day to fully recover. However, this is not recommended after a long run.

Train on running days

While it may seem counterintuitive to do strength training when you're tired after a hard running workout, doing strength training on a rest day also doesn't give you time to recover.

You can also include strength and functional exercises at the end of your run. For example, you can do a 5-minute "plank" exercise, several variations of lunges and several squats on one leg when you finish a running workout and before stretching.

There is no right or wrong way to add strength training to your schedule, but keep in mind the consistency. To maximize the effect of strength training, choose a program that you can perform regularly.

Common mistakes

Here are some of the most common mistakes that runners make in the gym.

Too much effort

One of the most common mistakes that runners make when adding strength training to their schedule is that they put too much effort right away. Many runners are determined to compete, which can lead to them taking on more weight or performing more complex exercises with disastrous results.

Remember that the goal of your program is to become a stronger runner. Competing in the gym (lifting too much weight, doing too many repetitions) can lead to injuries and exhaustion, and there are several days left before running.


Another common mistake is irregular workouts. If you take on a serious strength training program, but only do it once every few weeks, it is unlikely to affect your running. It may even put you at risk of injury.

Instead, think about starting small. Set aside 15-20 minutes on weekends or at the end of runs. Do your workouts consistently and add more workouts if time allows.

How to get started?

Not sure where to start? Types of exercises that are good for runners include:

Exercises for the lower body: lunges, squats, kicks, squats against the wall.
Exercises to strengthen the core: planks, twists, bridges, V-squats, back extensions
Exercises for the upper body: triceps push-ups, triceps extensions over the head, shoulder press over the head, push-ups.

To start, choose a few basic exercises. Then consistently follow your program to reduce the risk of injury and get more pleasure from running.
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