Coffee and sports pros or cons

Coffee for the athlete, new revelations about coffee and caffeine.

Today a little bit about the most favorite coffee, full of strength, energy and, especially in the beginning of the week, morning and good mood! We also tripped a bit on the subject of caffeine, because these two elements cannot be separated.

Coffee on the athlete's body is affected, primarily because it contained caffeine, impacting in particular on the reduction of pain, improvement of perception, stress relief, or accelerate regeneration, reducing the utilization of glycogen. These aspects allow us to conclude that caffeine is one of the most promising compounds. Australian Institute of sport for many years klassificeret it in group A, and therefore it is best documented measures having a positive effect on physical shape. Were held also a lot more small and large experiments with caffeine, which gave different effects.

What does the research say coffee and its health effects?

They show that coffee is more help than harm. The healthy amount of coffee is considered to be no more than 3 cups of coffee per day. In addition, coffee acted as a preventive measure against neurodegeneration and diseases of the liver and increase metabolism. On the other hand, pregnant women and women at risk of fractures should be wary of this drink.

It is impossible to accept the value of caffeine in coffee for granted what you definitely know – its content depends on the type, method of processing grains. Two cups of coffee before your workout will act positively most of us.

To caffeine a person gets used? Yes, I think. Look at it from the practical side.

It seems to me that habitual coffee drinking does not lead to strong dependencies (if you don't drink liters of it), and can bring many positive benefits for health. I would have tried to guard against the use of high doses of caffeine before each workout. A loading dose should be used when you do heavy training during attempts to break the record or before a competition. The reception gives the optimum result, 30-90 minutes before the start (optimally 60 minutes).

It is worth noting also that caffeine, in spite of contradictory information on what can be found in various sources, is a substance permitted in accordance with the provisions of the world anti-Doping Commission (WADA).
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