Pills, diets or sport?

Pills, diets or sport?
The problem of excess weight is important at any time of the year, but in anticipation of the beach season for many women, it is especially serious. To part with excess weight in several ways: to sit on a rigid diet, exercise or take a miracle pill. The last method seems the most simple, but is it safe?

Women are fighting for the harmony of his body for centuries. The first tools for weight loss appeared in the late nineteenth century. Their composition includes arsenic, soda, Epsom salt laxatives and meds. Of course, ladies who wish to get rid of excess fat using these drugs, just poisoned your body.
Towards the end of the twentieth century "magic pill" for weight loss are made of herbal extracts. In them in large quantity contained ephedrine, which, as it turned out, proved to be unsafe for the human body.

The current "cure completeness" are not addictive and have no dangerous health side effects. However, most nutritionists argue that only with the help of pills it is impossible to obtain the desired symmetry: for pharmaceutical drugs will inevitably have to add proper nutrition and exercise.

Very popular now all kinds of diets: the Kremlin, Hollywood, Japanese and so on. However, anyone who has ever severely restricted your diet is, knows that lost during a "starvation" weight often returns rather quickly, and even "comrades". This is because the refusal to eat causes our body to reduce energy consumption by almost two times. And after the transition to normal diet it makes up for the loss and creates new fat deposits.

In addition, strict diets are a bad influence on the emotional state, the appearance of the skin and the endocrine system.
According to nutritionists, the most physiological is very slow weight loss – this allows the body to reach a new metabolic rate without stress. That is the most correct diet is a diet designed for life.
In addition, get rid of unnecessary weight help exercise.

Neither the Express diet nor the "miraculous" pills are not able to get rid of fullness effective and safe for the body. It is wiser to develop its own system of balanced nutrition, combining it with physical activity. This will allow you to gain healthy slim for life.
The cardio

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