How to make a bar. Proper technique, variations and common mistakes


The plank is a great exercise for abs and buttocks. It affects not only the direct abdominal muscles, but core muscles, which pass from the pelvis along the spine to the shoulder girdle. To the muscles of the buttocks remained strong, add the strap to the program of training of the press.

Goal: work the abdominals and core muscles.

Level: beginner


Strengthening the torso is an important aspect of any fitness program. Strong and durable torso not only looks good, but more importantly, it helps to stabilize, balance and support the body during almost any other activity. The main strength is the Foundation of all coordinated and powerful sports movements. A strong torso can reduce stress on joints and improve posture. Exercise "plank" can be used as the basis for a test of strength and stability core muscles. The plank - this exercise is more for building strength than cardio exercise, but due to a series of muscles it is really slightly increases the burning of calories. How many calories burned depends on your weight and how long you hold the bar. Typically, a person weighing 70 kg burns about 3 calories per minute doing this exercise.

Step by step instructions

Select the location where you will be able to fit in all growth. Exercise Mat will give you enough not slipping lining to keep you comfortable to stand on all fours.

1. Start with a plank position face down, placing your forearms and toes on the floor. Your elbows are directly under shoulders and forearms facing forward. Your head is relaxed, and you have to look at the floor.

2. Tighten your abdominal muscles. Keep the torso straight and stiff, and the body is in a straight line from ears to toes with no sagging or kinks. This neutral position of the spine. Make sure your shoulders are lowered, not raised to the ears. The heel should be over the pads of the feet.

3. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Get down on the floor.

4. Over time, increase the time of exercise 30, 45 or 60 seconds.

Common mistakes

Avoid these mistakes to get maximum benefit from this exercise and avoid injury.

1. The camber back If you arch your back, you are not involve your abs and put more weight on the hands. Make sure your shoulders are down.

2. Sagging down hips Your hips will start to drop when your press reaches the fatigue limit. It is a sign that it's time to finish the exercise. If from the beginning it seems that your hips SAG, try to place feet a little wider and focus on the work of the press.

3. Head up, Your neck should be in line with the body and not tilted up, as this can lead to stretching of the neck. Look at the floor.

Modifications and variations

There are several varieties of straps, which are additionally working on major muscles to increase strength. In addition, there are ways to modify the exercise if you are a beginner.

Need a modification? If at first you will be hard to do the bar, try doing it with bent knees, taking the pressure off of the legs. You can also make an angled bar with his forearms on the bench.

Are you ready to take the challenge? Try these options to change the bar.

1. Plank with leg lifts to perform plank with leg lifts, start with the same plank position as above with your forearms and toes on the floor. 1. Slowly lift one leg at 13-20 cm from the floor. 2. Count to two and slowly lower your leg to the floor. 3. Switch legs and repeat. 4. Do two to three sets of 10 repetitions.

2. Plate with the lifting of hands is Another way to diversify the basic exercise is to add the instep. To perform a plank with instep, follow these steps:

1. Start with the same plank position as above.

2. Gently shift your weight to your right forearm.

3. Extend your left arm in front of him.

4. Hold for three seconds, tensing the body.

5. Slowly return arm to starting position.

6. Switch hands and repeat.

7. Do two to three sets of 10 repetitions.

Programs shorter straps

Some exercise programs say that instead of doing one plank for 30 seconds or more, it would be better if you will carry the bar for 10-15 seconds, rest for 30 seconds and do three to five approaches.

Safety and precautions

Do not make the bar, if you have a shoulder injury. If you feel shoulder pain, stop the exercise. During pregnancy there is concern that the abdominal wall is subjected to a load. Perhaps it'd be best to change the bar and make a lateral or inclined bar. Talk to your doctor to see if you are suitable for this exercise.

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