Carbonated water during training - whether it is worth using it.

Water is essential for the proper functioning of the human body. Unlike our ancestors, we do not limit ourselves to simple water to quench our thirst. Today, we can choose from a variety of types and flavors of water. The question is, do these different types provide the same benefits to the body as regular water? Is everything in it useful? We were informed about the harmful effects of drinking soda on health, but what about other drinks and water? Here's what you need to know about carbonated water and whether it's as healthy as still water.Review

Carbonated water is created by dissolving carbon dioxide in water under pressure. The reaction gives the water a fizzy consistency. Carbonation is what makes the water "fizzy" and adds a distinctive pop when you open the bottle.

Carbonated water usually looks the same - the main thing is the taste. Regular carbonated water will have a bubbly, odorless taste, while carbonated water with additives will have a salty or sweet taste.

Popular carbonated water

There are several types of carbonated water, and they can be used for different purposes.

Club soda

Club carbonated water is carbonated water with added sodium ingredients, such as table salt, sodium bicarbonate, or potassium bicarbonate. The type and amount of sodium supplement varies for each bottle or manufacturer. This is a popular mixer for alcoholic beverages.

Sparkling water with taste

Flavored carbonated water is a carbonated drink that can contain added natural sugars, citric acid, sodium, and even caffeine. Carbonated water with flavors may be a healthier choice compared to regular carbonated water, but you should carefully read the label on this type of drink, as these products may contain hidden additives.

Mineral water

Mineral water comes from mineral springs and contains minerals, including salts and sulfur compounds. The water is bottled with added carbon dioxide to create a bubble-filled drink.

Studies have shown that mineral water can improve the hydration status of athletes and improve their physical performance. It is considered to be a healthy alternative to a carbonated drink. Try adding a hint of citrus for extra flavor.

Seltzer water

Seltzer water is a regular carbonated water. It's a healthier choice, and it can add a bit of fun to your water intake. Seltzer has a refreshing taste and is often used as a mixer for alcoholic beverages. Some bottled mineral waters contain flavorings.


Tonic water is carbonated water with added sweeteners and flavorings. There's not much difference between drinking a tonic and a soda. Tonic water is not the most useful option, because it has added sugar and empty calories. It is best known for being made into a gin and tonic.

Is it a healthy drink?

Some people think that drinking any carbonated drinks can lead to poor bone health, tooth decay, irritable bowel syndrome, and weight gain. Is there any truth in these statements?

Only the consumption of sugary sodas reduces bone mineral density compared to other carbonated beverages. It seems that the phosphorus contained in sodas binds to calcium and is excreted through the kidneys, causing the bones to weaken.

Research has debunked the myth that carbonation itself increases the loss of calcium in our bones.

Studies have linked tooth decay to carbonated drinks with added sugar and citric acid. You can reduce the risk of tooth decay if you drink plain carbonated water. The carbonation process itself has not been shown to increase the risk of tooth enamel erosion. However, when ingredients such as sugar, acids, and sodium are added to carbonated water, the risk of tooth decay increases.

Some studies have shown that carbonated water is not the cause of irritable bowel syndrome, but in some people it can worsen the symptoms of the disease.

If you suffer from IBS or find that carbonated water causes an upset stomach, it is best to limit or avoid it and other carbonated beverages.

There are also claims that carbonated water can lead to weight gain. While plain bubble water is not associated with weight gain, some carbonated water is filled with artificial acids, flavors, sodium, and sweeteners. Studies have shown that fizzy drink supplements often contain hidden calories that can contribute to weight gain.

Are they also useful for the body's water balance?

Regular carbonated water is simply water under carbon dioxide pressure. If there are no additives in the water, it also moisturizes as well as regular water. If you like mineral water, studies have shown that this type of water with an increased content of calcium and bicarbonate provides better hydration during exercise.

Drinking such water during exercise is a personal preference, as it can increase bloating, gas, and belching. If you like the carbonated texture, carbonated water can help you increase your daily fluid intake.

Regular water with bubbles can be replaced with regular water at any time of the day.

If you prefer to drink carbonated water, consider purchasing a siphon that you can use to make your own. Otherwise, carbonated water is fairly inexpensive - just keep an eye on the label to see if any unwanted ingredients are added.

Taste improvement

If you find it difficult to drink plain water, you are not alone. Many people prefer to drink flavored water. Here's how you can improve the taste of carbonated water without ruining its properties:

* Add citrus fruits. Season the water with a little fresh lemon, lime, orange, or grapefruit juice. The juice adds flavor by adding antioxidants and some natural sugars to boost energy.

* Make the water mint. Add fresh mint leaves to the bottom of the glass. Fill the mixture with plain carbonated water and, if you want, add ice. The essential oils released in the water by the mint will provide a refreshing drink. Studies have shown that this combination can even improve your workout.

* Find a fruit favorite. Add your favorite berries, citrus fruits, or any combination of fruits to a glass or water bottle. When you pour the water, it takes on the natural aroma of fruit. Another option is to purchase a bottle with an insert for welding. You can easily put the fruit in the insert without worrying that the seeds will interfere with drinking.


The goal is to drink plenty of water throughout the day for optimal health and fitness. Regular carbonated or mineral water can be a useful alternative to other beverages, such as sweet soda. To make your carbonated drink really more healthy, be sure to read the labels to avoid unwanted additives or calories.
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