3 simple stretches for the thigh muscles.

Hip - the area of your leg above the knee joint and below the pelvis. These muscles help support the knee and hip joints and help move the femur and lower leg. Sometimes these muscles become tense after an injury or a period of inactivity and immobilization.The hip area is made up of five major muscle groups:

· Abductor muscles (your buttock muscles ) to throw the legs apart.

* Adductor muscles: bring the legs together

* Hamstrings: Bend the knee and pull the hip back.

* Hip flexors: lift the leg or knee towards the torso.

Quadriceps: straighten the leg at the knee and lift the hip up.

The muscles of the thigh can become tense due to the fact that most people spend a long time in a sitting position during the working day. For this reason, it is important to stretch the thigh muscles often. A few sessions with a trainer in the gym will help you determine which exercises are best for stretching your hips.

Let's look at three simple stretching exercises that target the hip flexor, hamstring, and adductor muscle groups. Your trainer may ask you to perform these stretches several times a day as part of your home exercise program.

Before starting this or any other exercise program, you should consult your doctor to make sure that the exercise is safe for you.

Stretching the flexor muscles of the thigh

The flexor muscles of the thigh connect the bones of the thigh to the bones of the legs. Tension here can be one of the causes of pain in the pelvis or lower back. Here's how to stretch your hip flexors:

1. Stand up straight.

2. Step forward with your right foot.

3. Slowly bend your right knee while keeping your left leg straight.

4. Continue to bend your right knee until you feel a slight stretch on your upper thigh.

5. Avoid arching your back when bending your front leg.

6. Hold for five seconds.

7. Return to the starting position.

8. Repeat steps 1 through 7 five more times.

9. Perform with the left foot forward.

Do not forget to stop stretching if it causes increased pain.

Standing Hamstring Stretch

The hamstrings run along the back of the thigh to the back of the knee. Here's how to stretch them:

1. Stand up straight.

2. Bend down and try to touch your toes while keeping your knees straight.

3. Continue until you feel a slight stretch under your knees.

4. Hold for 15 to 30 seconds.

5. Return to the starting position.

6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 five more times.

Stop stretching if you feel lower back pain or increasing hamstring pain.

Stretching the adductor muscles

The adductor muscles run from the inside of the thigh to the inside of the knee. Here's how you stretch them:

1. Stand up straight.

2. Place your feet at shoulder distance.

3. Slowly bend to the right, bending your right knee.

4. Keep your left leg straight.

5. Continue until you feel a slight stretch in the inner part of your left thigh.

6. Hold for five seconds.

7. Return to the starting position.

8. Repeat steps 1 through 6 five more times.

9. Repeat this again, leaning to the left on your left knee.

When stretching, a comfortable tension should be felt. Stop if you feel pain.

By stretching your muscles daily, you can have a positive effect on your overall mobility.

Before any exercise, we recommend that you stretch all the muscles, including the hips. This warms up your limbs and helps you avoid injury during your workout.
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