Restore the figure after the holidays

Restore the figure after the holidays
It's time to pay for what you ate too much and drank too much on holidays. Do you have to lose weight before the New year, then, before the end of the world, to be broken in as much gluttony for a few days? For the first time after the holidays you decide to step on the scales. And sick and sad, and no one weight your to call...
It's time to restore the shape and achieve the ideal weight. What sacrifices are you ready? Option extreme. If favorite clothes that you normally fit until the New year, I can't zip it, and put it through a couple of days, is one way to become a follower of Paul Bragg, who preached a hunger strike. You have to drink one mineral not carbonated water.

Pros. After three days of fasting in the face leaving only the eyes, dress or suit not only secure, but looks a bit too big.

Cons. The world turns into one big temptation, consisting of smells. Can begin the headaches, sick stomach. On the first day of anything else besides food to think impossible. On the third day the hunger blunted. But the body – he's not an idiot. As soon cease to give him the products, he decides that the war started, evacuation, the more food will not. The body comes to the conclusion that there is nothing to wait for favors from nature, and takes on the case itself, creating a strategic reserve of what it put – even if it's a glass of water, managing to pump out calories almost out of thin air. So after returning to a normal life, even if you're in food is very mild, you can suddenly begin to gain weight.

Option gentle. Love the stomach and make him happy within the useful of dietary products. Any fruit, any vegetables, any salad, but with vegetable oil. Boiled meat and fish – but not often. You can drink kefir, eat low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt. The bulk of the load to give the first half of the day choose foods easier. Every one to two weeks to arrange a fasting day (e.g., nothing to eat, take a bath, have a massage).

Pros. Without the hunger pangs will feel great about it.

Cons. It would seem that everything is useless, because the effect will become obvious in about a month.
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