Weight loss secrets

Weight loss secrets
Beautiful and slim figure is the envy of many women. Most don't want to diet, considering that you need to give up favorite foods, not realizing that it is actually possible to lose weight if you just know when and how to eat meals. Delicious dumplings with potatoes and white bread, and chocolate all have given some rules.
Reducing the GI of the product

The glycemic index indicates how much sugar enters the body. The higher it is, the more likely that will happen weight gain. White bread, candy, banana, dried fruit, potatoes – all foods with a high GI that you can eat, knowing how to reduce their GI. In many cases, this is due to the conservation of amylose, carbohydrate, reducing caloric intake and promotes healing of the intestine. How to reduce the glycemic index?

1. White bread is enough to put in the freezer for 10-15 minutes.

2. Potatoes should be cooked exclusively in the peel, so not destroyed the structure of the starch.

3. Choosing a dessert, it is better to give preference to one that has a lower temperature. Therefore it is better to eat fruit ice cream than cake with fruit. The secret of losing weight on some of the products also lies in the fact that the body for heating food spends a certain amount of calories.

4. The whole grain foods promote weight loss. Therefore, you should choose oatmeal, not cereal, and whole-grain bread, not white bread.

5. Pasta and cereals, cooked al dente – delicious and nutritious product that helps to reduce weight. Just need a bit to cook porridge or noodles, and cover them with a lid.

6. The combination of carbs-proteins, carbohydrates fats help to reduce GI of a product.

Reduce the calorie content of the product

To reduce caloric intake enough to follow these rules of eating:

1. Choosing between dairy products, meats and desserts, you should choose less fatty.

2. During cooking, you should add butter at the end. It is advisable to choose olive and Flaxseed oil, renouncing butter.

3. Should be excluded from the diet of sugary drinks, as they have no nutritional value but increase the overall calorie diet.

4. Instead of frying and roasting, it is best to choose stewing and boiling of the product.
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