Contraindications for EMS–training

Contraindications for EMS–training
There are some diseases that are not compatible with electro-stimulation, for example:

1. The metabolic disorders;

2. Autoimmune disease;

3. Cardiovascular disease;

4. Respiratory diseases;

5. Atherosclerosis;

6. Neurological disease and epilepsy;

7. Progressive muscular dystrophy;

8. Hernia groin and abdomen;

9. The use of medications or dietary supplements;

10. The use of electronic implants;

11. Pregnancy. Muscle tension produced by the EMS in the abdomen, thighs and pelvic bottom, is harmful to the fetus. Also hurting the tight waist and the heat that is produced during exercise;

12. Viral diseases, bacterial infections or inflammation;

13. Open wounds on the skin. At stimulation of blood flow not healed-over wound is re-opened. There is a risk of transmitting bacteria, if blood leaks and gets on the electrodes.

14. Solar and other types of burns. Electro-stimulation in the areas with skin lesions from sunlight or other types of burns will cause swelling and pain;

15. Increased sensitivity of the skin. If the skin is prone to allergies, irritation, rashes, contact with the electrodes may aggravate the situation;

16. Recent operations. After surgery with surgery, a lengthy recovery process. Stimulation of blood circulation could cause a relapse;

17. Thrombosis and thrombophlebitis. In these cases electrical stimulation can cause the clot to break free. The clot can move through the blood to the heart or lungs and lead to death;

18. Serious forms of diabetes. There is a danger of diabetic shock due to the lowering of the level of glucose in the blood after an intense workout.

19. Cancer or tumors. Malignant tumors may deteriorate. EMS can accelerate metastasis;

20. Diseases of the internal organs. Kidney disease can be particularly problematic. This is because the kidneys are responsible for filtration and elimination of metabolic waste. During electro-stimulation of the metabolism is enhanced, thus increasing the load on the kidneys.
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