Warm-up and hitch. Why is it so important?

Warm-up and hitch. Why is it so important?
Warm-up in fitness and bodybuilding as in any sport is very important.

Warm-up is necessary to warm up the muscles of the body, ligamentous apparatus, to prepare the heart and respiratory systems for more intense physical activity. Proper warm-up reduces the risk of sports injuries.

Warm-up exercises warm up all the body systems involved in the training. Heated muscles, ligaments, and tendons are more resistant to possible injury.
Thanks to the warm - up, the blood flow to the trained muscles increases, which provides them with a continuous supply of oxygen and other necessary substances. This in turn improves energy exchange and increases the elasticity of connective tissue formations of the body involved in the training process.
Multi-repetitive movements in the joints contribute to the release of the necessary lubricating fluid, which protects them from destruction during loading.
Increases the efficiency of the cardiovascular system, which in turn increases the physical and mental tone of the body.

In addition, warm-UPS help to improve neuromuscular connections. Thus, warm-up prepares many systems of the body for heavy power work.

During the warm-up, You have a great opportunity to mentally tune in to the entire workout.
Secrets of warm-up:
Cardioradiation is a high-intensity anaerobic work, gradually increasing to its completion. This can be running, fast walking, walking up an inclined surface, as well as jumping rope, etc. The duration of such a warm-up is usually from 5 to 10 minutes.
Several exercises to increase the flexibility and elasticity of the main muscle groups.
Warm-up sets: when starting training, each exercise should be performed at least one, or better two warm-up sets with a light weight in a large number of repetitions.
General warm-up is a rhythmic movement of large muscle groups. It is almost unrelated to the exercises to be performed in training. Warm-up is performed from the top down, starting from the neck and ending with the ankle.
The warm-up should be intense enough to "warm up" all the muscle groups, but it should not tire You.


The main goal of the hitch is to normalize blood pressure and restore breathing, as well as return the heart rate to the pre-training value and remove excess blood from the trained muscles.
Its goal is to speed up recovery processes.
Secrets of the hitch:
Slow running until a noticeable effect of relaxation in the muscles (perhaps more than 20-30 minutes!) or fast walking.
Good stretching, where the emphasis should be placed primarily on static, rather than dynamic, stretching.At the end of each workout, it is recommended to do a thorough stretch of the trained muscles for 5-10 minutes. Why should it be performed? Stretching the muscles makes them more elastic, which means that the muscles become stronger, and it also speeds up the recovery of your muscles after their hard work during training.
Warm - up and hitch - a minimum of injuries, no fatigue after training, excellent technique of performing exercises, a great mood for training and after it.
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