Fitness after 40

Fitness after 40
The perfect figure is a dream of any woman. And it is not so important whether You are 20 or 40. But the fact is that women after 40 (most of them) do not seriously approach physical activities, as a result, they refuse to visit fitness centers, complaining about their inefficiency.

Please note, how many men and how many women in the gym are over the age of 40? Women can clearly be counted on the fingers of one hand. But a huge number of women want a "new life". By "new life" I mean a sexy and toned body that most women fail to maintain by middle age for various reasons. This means that the return (in many cases - the acquisition) of a beautiful figure is associated with a new life ))) If someone says that people go to the gym for health, then this is a deep misconception in 90%.

Health is a nice bonus for students. And the main (subconscious) thought that leads a person to a fitness center is a worthy desire to become more attractive to the opposite sex. And in 40 years, this is not even a bad incentive, given the physiological changes in the body.
Naturally, at this age, excessive exercise is contraindicated, but this does not mean that you can not do fitness at all. With the right approach, you can not only improve the parameters, but also improve your health.

A competent approach to the training process is a guarantee that You will be able to feel flexibility and strength in your body for many years.
After 40 years, the human body, alas, is less hardy, not as flexible as in youth, does not get used to physical activity so quickly and slowly recovers after exercise. But this is not a reason to give up fitness. Just at this age, you need to perform exercises more carefully, carefully listening to your feelings.

Slight muscle discomfort after fitness is expected and predictable, particularly if you are just beginning to master exercises or when switching to more intensive training programs. But muscle pain can also be a warning about overloading, so you need to carefully monitor your feelings.

A well-chosen training program should only strengthen your body, but in no case should fitness harm your body. Once your muscles get used to regular exercise, mild pain symptoms will only signal that your muscles are growing and getting stronger.

There may also be pain for other reasons. Maybe you are not performing the exercises correctly,or you have a medical problem that must be addressed. And if you feel neck pain, back pain, knee soreness, and other symptoms, then you should consult your doctor.

Poorly performed warm-up or even ignoring it can lead to injuries. Before performing the exercises, the muscles should be well warmed up. Most injuries and injuries occur due to the fact that either the muscles were not well warmed up, or performed exercises for which the person was not physically ready yet. It is important to remember that the transition from a calm state of the muscles to a state of increased activity should be slow. But such a concept as" slow " depends on the person, on his age, and what is not unimportant from his physical condition.

You need to perform a warm-up for at least 10 minutes, or better (if the person is not trained) 20 minutes. It is necessary to perform cardio warm-up on an ellipsoid or run on a treadmill, it is important to do joint warm-up. All this will help you warm up your muscles and joints. Warm-up will help make them more elastic. Also, the warm-up will help to set up the respiratory and cardiovascular system to perform exercises. The desire to reduce the warm-up time can lead to injuries, and further healing of injuries will require more time than you saved on the warm-up.
Success and joy in training!
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