Extension on the block on the triceps.

Level: from beginner to advanced (depending on the weight used) Push-ups on the triceps are one of the best exercises for developing the triceps. While the universal upper body workout is usually done on a tether machine (a fixture in most gyms), you can also perform a version of it at home or on the road using an expander.Other names: rope pull, tricep pull on the block, tricep pull.

Goals: Triceps

Necessary equipment: a block with a cable or a resistance band.


The triceps brachii is located at the back of the shoulder and consists of three components: the long, lateral, and medial heads. If you want to pump up your arms, working out all three heads of your triceps is key, and the triceps pull does just that.

The triceps extension also improves your overall strength and endurance by engaging your core, back, and shoulder muscles. The movement also adapts to your strength and level, as you can increase the weight as you move.

Step-by-step instructions


1. Stand facing the machine and grasp the horizontal rope bar or rope (depending on the machine in your gym) with a grip from above. Adjust the handles of the crossbar or rope approximately at chest level.

2. Set a small weight to start with. Different versions of the simulator may include other mechanisms.

When you're ready to start:

1. Start with abdominal tension.

2. Bend your elbows at your sides and spread your feet slightly apart.

3. Inhale. Lower your arms down until your elbows are fully extended, but not yet in a straight, half-bent position. Keep your elbows close to your body and bend your knees slightly when doing push-ups. Don't lean forward. Try to keep your back as straight as possible when you strain it.

4. On the exhalation, return to the starting point with a controlled movement.

5. For beginners, try to perform 4 sets of 8 repetitions.

Common mistakes

Your elbows are parting

Do not allow your elbows to turn outward when pushing down. This negates the work on the triceps and creates an undesirable load on the shoulders.

You don't use both hands the same way

Make sure that you press with both hands smoothly and evenly.

You use your back too much

It is not necessary to bend in the back and shoulders to lower the weight. At the same time, to make sure that your triceps are fully developed, it may be useful to lean forward a little and allow your knees to bend slightly. This position ensures that you engage all the components of the muscles equally.

Modifications and variations

Need a modification?

If your gym has an exercise machine with a rope used in this exercise, then it probably also has a set of grappling attachments. You can see straight barbells or barbells with bends. They are used in the same way, but you may find that one bend is more convenient than the other.

If you don't go to the gym or don't have a push-up machine, try using an elastic band to work out at home or while traveling. You'll also need something sturdy over your head, such as a metal rod, rod, or hook.

Wrap the tape around a secure point (at least at chin level, if not above your head). Grasp the ends of the tape and perform the push-up exercise using the same form as on the rope simulator.

Push-ups on the triceps can be performed with one or two hands. The two-arm modification will work regardless of whether you're using an exercise machine or an elastic band. Performing one hand at a time allows you to slow down and focus on correcting the wrong technique. It can also be useful if one arm is recovering from an injury or you have one side usually weaker than the other.

Ready for the challenge?

If you have the option to use a rope, you may want to consider using it, as it increases the load on your triceps if you pause at the end of the exercise.

Safety and precautions

Be careful with this exercise if you have an elbow injury or if your elbow is constantly hurting.

As always, if you have certain medical conditions or are recovering from surgery, illness, or injury, consult your doctor before starting or changing your workout routine.
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