Why you should perform complex exercises.

Compound exercises are movements that involve more than one joint and muscle group at a time, as opposed to an isolating exercise that involves only one muscle/joint at a time.

For example, lifting the leg to the side involves moving the hip joint and strengthens the outer surface of the thigh and buttocks. If you had changed it to a side step with a squat, you would still be working out the outer thigh, but now you have added more joints (hips, knees, ankles and elbows) and more muscles (quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, biceps and forearms). Flexing the arms on the biceps is another isolating movement that involves the elbow joint and biceps muscles. But what if you had to add a squat? You are not only working out your arms, but also simultaneously working on the main muscles of the lower body. It also makes movement more challenging and increases your heart rate, adding an element of cardio to traditional strength training exercises. All this leads to burning more calories than when performing repetitions of traditional biceps bends.5 reasons to perform complex movements

Complex movements are important in any exercise regime for a number of reasons:

· They are functional. If you think about what you do with your body during the day (daily routine) - take a laundry basket, put something on a high shelf, carry a briefcase, pull a suitcase and push the door - all these movements involve a lot of joints, muscles, and planes of movement. Complex exercises help strengthen your body the way it works in real life. If only isolating exercises were performed, most likely, at least a quarter of them may not be useful in life. Of course, any (but effective!) exercises improve your overall strength and shape, but if you really need strength to perform everyday needs, then complex (complex) exercises are your option.

* They burn more calories. Complex exercises involve more body parts, muscles and joints, which means doing more work in the same time. More volume means burning more calories than using more traditional isolation exercises. Adding more challenging exercises can help you avoid or at least manage the weight loss boundary, after which there is a significant slowdown in progress, pushing your body in the right direction to overcome these boundaries. This doesn't mean that isolation exercises are bad, it's just that they don't necessarily have to make up the bulk of your workout if your goal is to get rid of fat.

* They add intensity to your workouts. If you want to lose weight and change your body, you need to fight it regularly. Complex exercises are by definition more intense simply because you need to engage more muscle groups to perform exercises with good technique.

* They make your workouts more effective. You have limited time to exercise, but you can get more benefits by using complex complex exercises. Save even more time by combining the upper and lower body parts in one exercise.

· They definitely make sense. Many people start lifting weights according to the rules received from bodybuilders or other professional weightlifters. It is important for them to work out individual muscle groups in order to get the maximum mass. For most people, using general body movements is much more important for losing weight, changing the body and getting in shape.


If you are not completely experienced in sports or have reached the limits of progress, and your goal is to lose weight or transform the body from scratch, then complex exercises are the ideal option for you. They will allow you to burn more calories, save time and will definitely be able to give results in everyday affairs.

If you already have some experience in training and you would like to move to the next level, then isolation exercises are your choice.
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