Basic principles for increasing strength.

Basic principles for increasing strength.
Depending on how we train, we get a certain result. There are three main areas of development in training. It's the power, mass and muscle endurance. In this article I will talk about the principles of training for development and increase muscle strength. If the main goal is to become stronger, then this article is for You!
But just want to say that for muscle growth you definitely need to eat well. The body to build muscles need protein, it is 1.5-2 grams per 1 kg of body weight.

1 Principle: the Increase in power depends on the maximum weight lifted!

Growth power is a unique reaction to a growing workload. In other words, the magnitude of the force depends on the maximum weight that can lift. The more weight you can handle, the stronger your muscles!

When you start training, try to find out what is the maximum weight you can lift in a particular exercise (e.g. bench press), after a month of hard training to try and increase the maximum raise the weight 5-10 kg if you can lift it, so training was not in vain!
This is the main indicator of the increasing strength!

2. Principle: you must match the weight and number of reps!

As for the weight, you need to choose the most heavy weight to lift it no less than 6 times in one approach. If you can do 3 sets of 10 times with a weight of 50 kg, to develop strength you have to lift the weight of the projectile, for example up to 60 kg and lift only 6 times during the approach. Weight you'll start, depends on your strength! This example can be applied to the bench press!

Then there are two options!

1. With each new week, add 2-3 lbs. to maximum raise the weight. Thus muscles will develop and become stronger, but this program can work for beginners, the increase in the maximum weight on each exercise will be limited.
This scheme you will be able to lift more than 100 kg for one repetition.

2. Strength training can be divided into 4 sets for one muscle group. In the first approach to do 6 reps of the maximum weight, for example 6 x 50 kg. In the second approach to reduce the number of repetitions but increase the weight and do 5х55 kg. And so on, 4х65 3 approach 4 and approach 2х70-75.
The circuit training I think is also quite effective due to the constant stress of muscles, constantly increasing the weight!

3 Principle: How much rest between sets?

To build the strength, rest 3 to 5 minutes. Such a long relaxation time is due to the fact that during strength training (heavy weights, few reps) really consumes a lot of energy generated by the ATP system. This system allows you to quickly produce energy without using oxygen, but only for continuation 15 seconds. Then 3 minutes to fully "recharge".

4 the Principle that Great weight is dangerous. Don't forget about insurance!

Doing work with large weights for strength development do not forget about the safety net, as it is very traumatic. Use straps, bandages and do not forget about the support of a partner.
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