Recipes weight loss from different countries.

Recipes weight loss from different countries.
Christmas and new year holidays left behind not only fond memories but also some changes in the weight category. In order to lose a few extra pounds, you can use the options collected from different countries.Mexican method of weight loss
Mexicans prefer to reduce weight by using hot water with the addition of cinnamon and honey. Moreover, this liquid is consumed twice a day – in the morning 30 minutes before the first meal and in the evening before going to bed. In order to feel the effectiveness of the recipe, you must correctly observe its proportions. In a glass of hot water, dissolve half a teaspoon of cinnamon and wait until the drink cools down a little. Then add one teaspoon of honey to the container and mix well. According to the Mexicans, the systematic use of this tool prevents the formation of fat reserves.

The Indian way of struggle against excess weight
Numerous experiments conducted at research universities in the United States have proven that curcumin blocks the growth of adipose tissue and has a favorable effect on lipid metabolism. The main supplier of turmeric is India. In this country, turmeric is most often used as a component of the Kari seasoning. In combination with ground black pepper, the famous Indian spice maximizes all its useful qualities and is optimally absorbed by the body.

Dutch tricks
The fishing industry in the Netherlands is well developed, but the inhabitants of the Netherlands still prefer the local herring. It contains a large amount of fish oil, which includes omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. This type of acid successfully copes with lowering the level of cortisol (the hormone responsible for stress). In addition, the calorie content of herring or sardine dishes will differ favorably from semi-finished products and fast food.

The African food system
Nuts are the main source of protein for Africans. On the mainland, peanuts are used in many local dishes. In the Gambia, for example, it is successfully combined with vegetables and spices and perfectly complements their taste qualities. Moreover, local residents do not even consider nuts as a dietary product. Peanuts are just part of their daily diet. Thanks to its properties, gambians can boast of being overweight and a low level of cancer.

Thai offer
An essential ingredient of Thai dishes is chili. Thai cuisine can offer several types of pepper. Those who prefer less spicy varieties will appreciate Anaheim or Poblano. Chili promotes rapid saturation and has a positive effect on the metabolism. It is quite natural that dishes with hot peppers are usually washed down with a large amount of water. Thus, Thais avoid overeating and feel great after any meal.

Japanese diet
The Japanese are quite an original nation. And it is not surprising that they are happy to eat algae, very often eat fish in any form and prefer green tea. Of course, such taste preferences are not suitable for everyone, but you can borrow a unique system of serving dishes from the Japanese. The fact is that the people of Japan put each ingredient in a separate plate. This way it will be easier for a cafe or restaurant visitor to evaluate the individual taste qualities of each product. In addition, you will not be able to overeat under these conditions.
Turkish drink
In Turkey, parsley is used for weight loss. To prepare a fat-burning drink, pour 4 tablespoons of chopped parsley with a glass of boiling water. After 5-10 minutes, it can already be used for its intended purpose, having previously been filtered. This decoction makes up for the lack of calcium and vitamins A and K in the body and stabilizes the hormonal background. It can also be used as a light diuretic.

The secrets of French harmony
The French eat fairly well. Their diet includes cheeses with a high percentage of fat content, high-calorie flour products and various nutritious dishes. But, despite this abundance, the inhabitants of France almost do not suffer from problems associated with excess weight. Perhaps it is because their diet includes several meals with restrictions in the amount of food. Only fresh products are used for dishes, and it is not accepted to have a snack with the French.

How to lose weight in Russia
Sauerkraut is a low-calorie and at the same time healthy dish. 100 grams of this product has only 19 calories, so it can be safely consumed by those who want to quickly lose a few pounds.

Buckwheat should also be used for cooking dietary dishes. Despite its caloric content, boiled or steamed, it really helps to fight excess weight. A large number of calories are spent on its splitting and digestive process, so buckwheat is a very important part of the diet.

Fermented milk products contribute to better bowel function and accelerate metabolism. Kefir, ryazhenka or yogurt are well absorbed and contribute to weight loss.
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