What kind of food to eat before and after training.

Exercise is an integral part of any fitness program, so it's good to know that the food you eat can affect the success of your workout. In fact, the right foods can help you during your workout and recover after it's over. And, of course, eating the wrong food or too much of anything can negate all the calories you've burned. So here's a guide on when and what to eat before and after a workout.What to eat before training

It is best to have a little snack before training. You have to reach a state where your stomach is not full, but you are not hungry either. If you eat a lot of food just before intense physical activity, you may experience nausea, lethargy or muscle cramps.

All this discomfort can occur due to the fact that your body needs to expend energy to digest all the food that you have just eaten, so the blood flow to your digestive system increases exactly when your muscles need it most. Make any pre-workout meals easy.

And don't go to the other extreme and starve yourself. Doing exercises on an empty stomach is also not good. Skipping meals can cause you to feel lethargic, weak, and dizzy. Light snacks before a workout can boost your fat burning potential. Choose a small snack, for example, fruit, sports drink or one hundred percent fruit juice.

Why Exercise and meal times are important

If you have eaten a lot, wait about four hours before training. If you eat regular food, you need to wait about two hours to start your workout.

Your body prefers to use carbohydrates as fuel, so your pre-workout lunch should include a lot of complex carbohydrates from 100 percent whole grain bread or pasta, as well as lots of fruits and vegetables. You don't need to avoid protein and fat, but don't choose large portions of meat and high-fat foods if you're going to exercise for the next hour or two.

What to eat after training

It is also important to eat after a workout. Your muscles need raw materials for recovery after a hard workout, such as carbohydrates, proteins and electrolytes, including potassium and sodium. A light meal or a snack within two hours after a workout is an ideal option. A meal rich in carbohydrates and proteins will be useful.

According to some experts, chocolate milk has the best ratio of carbohydrates, proteins and fats for recovery after exercise.

Drink plenty of water before, during and after your workout

Moisture is always important. When you sweat, physical exertion leads to depletion of water reserves. Drink a glass of water about an hour before your workout and again after your workout. You can also drink water during your workout. Carry a bottle of water with you.


If you want to get the most out of your workout, you should definitely eat light food two hours before your workout, which will give you the energy you need. And after a workout, you need to restore the spent nutrients, so you need to eat a food enriched with proteins and carbohydrates. Don't forget about the water you need to drink before, during and after your workout.
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