How training affects anger.

Anger is a normal, healthy emotion that everyone ever experiences. Deep emotions such as sadness, fear, or guilt can also be expressed by anger. During times of stress, we may experience anger more often than usual.

Anger brings problems when it becomes uncontrollable. Some people train to manage their emotions and frustrations.

Aerobic exercise, in particular, can help reduce anxiety, depression and hostility. A short workout can help prevent an angry mood.The effect of anger on the body

Anger is an emotional state consisting of feelings that vary in intensity from mild irritation or irritation to intense rage.

Constructive Anger: Anger that can help you solve problems and may have a protective component
Destructive anger: anger used to justify feelings or to reinforce a state of anger

Although anger can be a healthy emotion, it can affect the body.

Due to its effect on the sympathetic nervous system, anger is positively associated with atherosclerosis or coronary heart disease. And negative emotions, including anger, were also included as a causal factor of bulimic behavior. Anger has been linked to the development of type 2 diabetes and an increased risk of road accidents.

On the other hand, exercise is associated with a reduced risk of many diseases, including type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Exercise has also been shown to increase emotional resilience to acute stress. Therefore, when you experience anger, exercise can help relieve some tension.

Types of Anger Management Training

Exercise is a great solution in theory, but some people may find it difficult to channel their energy into training when they are consumed by anger. There are different approaches to moving when you are annoyed.

Some people prefer to vent their anger with explosive movements, such as boxing, circuit training or dancing.
Others may prefer to calm their breathing and reduce their heart rate with mind and body exercises such as yoga or meditation.
Some may even prefer a combination of both, for example, hiking in nature.

It may also happen that what works in one case will be less effective in another case. So try to be open-minded and try different exercises to calm your mood.

Keep in mind that the purpose of exercise is not necessarily to get rid of anger. Anger is natural and can be healthy. Exercise just gives you an outlet for healthy self-expression and self-management.

Sweat it out

You can try to redirect your attention. The following types of training, in particular, help you concentrate on various motor tasks so that you can distract yourself from the source of your anger, at least temporarily.

Take up boxing

Boxing training forces you to focus on specific combinations of punches. They engage the whole body, burn calories and build strength, especially in the upper body.

Of course, you don't need to spend a lot of money to box at home. You can purchase gloves and other boxing equipment, and then use the boxing app on your smartphone.

Jumping rope

Another high—intensity workout that requires attention and concentration is jumping rope. The beauty of this exercise is that you quickly increase your heart rate and burn calories quickly. Very little equipment is also required.

Training with a rope can include movements such as a double jump, a run-up, a high step or double jumps that will make you distract from anger and coordinate your actions.

A person weighing 68-70 kg will burn about 143 calories in just ten minutes of fast jumps.

Circuit training

The great thing about circuit training is that it keeps you moving. You move from place to place and work with different parts of the body for short periods of time, so you don't have much time to think about what is causing you anger.

Anger is a normal, natural emotion. Anger can even play a positive role in inspiring healthy changes in your life. But there may also be times when anger and its consequences can become a problem and even get out of control. Sometimes one workout is not enough to cope with emotions.

Anger management is an important issue that may need to be addressed with therapy. Although exercise is one of the tools that many people can use to reduce their anger, some people may have trouble controlling their feelings, and this can have dangerous consequences.

Therefore, it is better to take the initiative before anger becomes a problem. See a mental health professional or get a referral if you feel you are at a stage where you need help to get anger under control.
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